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Court Judgements

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The appellant employed by the respondent as a buyer. He was found to have caused the purchase of some equipment without following the appropriate process. In the result the equipment which was purchased cost the respondent substantially more than had the appropriate process been followed. More

This is a claim for contractual damages brought by the plaintiff against the defendant. The plaintiffs’ claim is founded on contractual damages and arise out of breach of contract. The plaintiff claims a total of US$250, 000.00 in damages. More

In this action the agreed issues for determination are listed as follows:- “1. Whether or not there was a valid Agreement of Sale between the plaintiff and the first defendant. 2. Whether or not the Agreement of Sale was void and contrary to Section 44 of the Stamp Duties Act [Cap 23:09]. 3. Whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to transfer of the property in question.” More

There is a banker and client contractual relationship between the parties. The plaintiff (Ramatex) sued the defendant (ACL) for general damages in the sum of US$998 960.00. The circumstances giving rise to the claim are partly common cause. There are 3 issues identified and agreed to by the parties for determination at this trial. These are; (a) Whether or not ACL submitted the application for the registration of Ramatex’s blocked funds on or before the 30 April 2019 deadline; (b) Whether the registration of the legacy debt failed as a result of the late submission of the application of the... More

This is an appeal against a judgment of the High Court dated 27 July 2016, in which the court dismissed an application by the appellant seeking to set aside a sale in execution conducted by the second respondent in the execution of a writ of execution for the payment of a debt due to the first respondent. More

On the 16th May 2013, the Arbitrator issued an award dismissing Appellant from Respondent’s employment. It is this dismissal penalty Appellant is taking issue with before this Court. More

The matter was placed before me as an application for an order in terms of Section 93 (7) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01]. Whereas initially the Applicants were three one of the Applicants withdrew his matter. The two Applicants before the court were Ranganayi Simon and Cosmas Bhasera. In his founding affidavit the 1st Applicant, Ranganayi Simon averred on oath that; he was a former employee of the 1st Respondent. The 2nd Respondent is a Designated Agent for National Employment Council for the Food Industry. He was the conciliator in the two disputes that have given birth to the... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court dated 16 October 2016 in which the court a quo upheld the appellant’s conviction on a charge of improper association with his minor pupil by having sexual intercourse with her and giving her family planning tablets. Following his conviction on the above charge the appellant was dismissed from employment. Leave to appeal was granted by this Court on 24 March 2016 and condonation for late noting of appeal and extension of time within which to note the appeal was granted on 31 August 2017. More

1.This is an appeal against conviction only. 2.The appellant was convicted of impersonating a public official in contravention of s179 (1)(a) of the Criminal Law Code and of reckless driving as defined in s53(2) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11] (the Act). 3.The two issues that arise in this appeal are these. First, whether the trial court’s factual finding that the appellant impersonated a public official defies reason and common sense. Second, whether the appellant’s admitted manner of driving amounted to reckless driving. 4.We find against the appellant on both issues. Consequently, we uphold the judgement rendered a quo.... More

At the hearing of this matter a preliminary issue was raised by the respondent’s legal practitioner. More

This matter was placed before me as an appeal conjoined with an application for review. The determination by the Health Services Board was handed down on 22 October 2015. For convenience the Appellant/Applicant shall be referred to throughout as Appellant. The material background facts to the matter are as follows; The Appellant was employed by the 2nd Respondent as an Accounting Assistant. Hewas based at Kotwa Hospital. He was placed on suspension on the 4th of November 2013 to the 4th of February 2014 following allegations of misconduct more particularly, that he had failed to take reasonable care or account... More

The application placed before me is for quantification of backpays and benefits following the Applicant’s reinstatement into his original position. The application is filed in terms of section 89 of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] as read with rule 14 of the Labour Court rules, 2017. More

The plaintiff seeks in this matter an order declaring as null and void an agreement of sale entered into by and between Kingdom Mutungwazi and Ezekiel Mtapuri in respect of an immovable property called Lot 3 of Zuvanyika measuring 5.3523 Morgen including what is described as a 16 rooms compound. After the closure of the plaintiff’s case an application for absolution from the instance was made on behalf of the defendant. The application was dismissed with costs on 20 June 2009. The trial resumed and after the closure of the defendant’s case the parties were directed to file written closing... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a school teacher. He was dismissed from employment following disciplinary proceedings on charges of improper association with a 14 year old minor who was also one of his students. In order to protect the privacy of the minor, the minor will be referred to as ‘X’. More

The applicant was an employee of the respondent. Following allegations of misconduct, applicant was charged in terms of the respondent’s Code of Conduct. Applicant was found liable and the employment contract was terminated. The applicant appealed to the NEC Appeals Board “the Board”. The Board after considering the matter remitted the case to the respondent to address the procedural irregularities identified by the Board. The Board did not address the merits of the case. More