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Court Judgements

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The appellant, a self-actor, issued summons out of the Magistrates Court, Bindura, wherein she sought the eviction of the respondent from stand 2030, Garikai Tsungubvi, Glendale in Mazowe District. The court a quo dismissed her claim with costs. Dismayed by that outcome she filed the present appeal against the decision of that court. More

The appellant worked for the respondent as an I T Support Officer at Head Office in Harare. He was charged with misconduct (gross incompetence or inefficiency in the performance of work). He was found guilty and then dismissed from employment. He appealed against his dismissal to the respondent’s appeals machinery. On 27 January 2014 the Final Appeals Committee dismissed his appeal. He then appealed to this court. The respondent opposed the appeal. More

On 10 February 2014 the Registrar placed before me in chambers, an application for interim relief. More

This is an application for condonation and extension of time within which to appeal. At the hearing, I allowed the parties to argue both the preliminary points and the merits of the application. I, however, indicated that if I determined the matter on the preliminary points, I would not delve into the merits. On 29 March 2019, the High Court at Harare, in an urgent chamber application for the stay of execution of a judgment brought by the applicant against the respondents, made the following order: “1. This matter be struck off the urgent roll. 2. Applicant is barred from... More


On 5 December 2016, the plaintiffs sued the defendants. They couched their prayer in the following terms: “1. It be and is hereby declared that 1st Plaintiff is the lawfully appointed President and Overseer of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Africa, a church duly registered (sic) a notarial deed by the 3rd defendant. More

The appellant issued summons in the court below claiming US750.00 for the value of his generator leased to the respondents including interest at the official rate and costs on the higher scale. The respondents had failed to pay for the generator as agreed which he now wanted returned in terms of its value. The appellant had applied for summary judgment a month after the respondents had filed a special plea which had however not been pursued prior to this application for summary judgment. The special plea was in essence that the same matter was lis pendens under 1311/20 in which... More

First Applicant and the respondents are engaged in a bitter battle for the control of second respondent. As often happens in such issues, the disputes unfortunately spill into our courts. Parties have been engaged in litigation of all sorts since 2005. More

The applicant approached this court seeking an order in the following terms: “It is ordered and declared that: 1) The Constitution of the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe (“The Constitution”) is the Supreme Law governing all the legal matters of the church. 2) The formation of branch – assemblies within the AFMZ is regulated by Chapter 3 of the Regulations to the said Constitution. 3) Any branch assembly formed outside of Chapter 3 of the Regulations to the said Constitution is illegal and ultra-vires the Constitution of the AFMZ. 4) That the respondent only bears the costs of suit in... More

The factual background to this matter is that a default judgment was granted against the applicants in 2005. That order was to the effect that the now appellants be evicted from Pumula Farm in Urungwe, Karoi. A warrant of ejectment and execution against property was then obtained in 2020 prompting the appellants to file the application for condonation of late filing of an application for rescission of judgment as they were way out of time in seeking a setting aside of the default order. The court a quo found that the delay was inordinate, there was no reasonable explanation for... More

The plaintiff instituted proceedings against the defendant wherein he claimed the following:- a decree of divorce, and as ancillary relief thereto, custody of the two minor children of the union and an equitable distribution of the assets which constituted the matrimonial estate. When the matter was brought before a judge in chambers for a pre-trial conference the parties made some accommodation on some of the contentious issues to the dispute. The question of the custody of the minor children and their upkeep was resolved between the parties. They also shared out the matrimonial estate which consisted of both movable and... More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the relief sought is that the respondent be interdicted from filling the applicant’s position of Chief Executive Officer pending the determination of another court application filed under case number HC11003-16 between the same parties. The final order sought was amended at the hearing of the matter to be one for costs of suit. The applicant is a male adult who describes himself as having been in the respondent’s employ for ‘many decades’ in terms of a contract of employment entered into between himself and the respondent, a company incorporated in terms of... More

The plaintiff and the defendant contracted an unregistered customary law union in 1993. More

On the 17th of November, 2022, I granted an ex tempore judgment in in this contested application for review, in favor of the applicants after hearing arguments from the parties. These are the reasons for judgement following a request by the respondents through the Registrar of the High court. An unopposed application for the condonation of late filing of heads and upliftment of bar by the respondents was successfully granted by this court. More

This is an application for the rescission of a default judgment made in the employer’s favour against the applicant employee. Facts of the matter are that on 7 October 2015 the Labour Court allowed in default the appeal filed the employer because the employee had not attended the hearing on that day despite service. Aggrieved by the default order the employee made the application which is the subject of this judgment. Basis of the application is that the set down notice did not get to the employee representative’s attention. He therefore argues that he has always been keen to defend... More