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The applicant sued one Vincent Ncube and the respondent through the urgent chamber book. She did so under HC 7310/18. The order which the court granted to her on 9 August 2018 reads: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this honourable court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. That respondents be and are hereby ordered not to interfere with the applicant’s control and occupation and possession of 126 Edgemore Road, Park Meadowlands, Hatfield, Harare. 2. The first respondent pays the costs of suit. INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED That pending determination... More

The applicant instituted the instant application seeking an order interdicting the second respondent or any person acting on his behalf or in furtherance of his interests from interfering with the applicant’s occupation of the property described in the papers as 126 Edgmore Road, Park Meadowlands, Hatfield, Harare. More

This is an urgent court application in which the applicant seeks the following relief: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That the First Respondent shows cause why a final order should not be granted in the following terms: 1. The Application be and is hereby granted 2. The Execution of the Default Judgment granted on the 21st of June; 2022 under Case No MC 39520/16 against the Applicant be and is hereby stayed pending the determination of the Application for Rescission of Default Judgment under Case No SC 237/22 3. There shall be no order to costs More

: The plaintiff issued summons on 10 March 2008 claiming from the defendant adultery damages in the sum of ZW$400 billion, being a sum of Z$200 billion for contumelia and a sum of Z$200 billion for loss of consortium. The basis of the claim was that the defendant committed adultery with her husband Stanley Chiwandamira from 1981 to the date of summons. As a result of the adultery, the plaintiff lost the love, affection, society and companionship and services of her husband. She also suffered pain and indignity during that period at the hands of the defendant. Her husband has,... More

These matters were referred to me in chambers and as the parties were the same and the issues from the matters identical I decided to hear them together. More

The plaintiff company, Rieton Investments (Private) Limited deals in the supply of horticultural products. The defendants, who were formerly directors in Southern Flowers (Pvt) Ltd, are being sued in their personal capacities by the plaintiff. The plaintiff is claiming payment of the sum of US$113,416-12 for goods it sold and delivered to Southern Flowers. The plaintiff’s claim against the defendants is predicated upon s 318 of the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03] which provides that company directors can be sued in their personal capacities for damages arising from the fraudulent, reckless and/or grossly negligent conduct in the carrying on of a... More

This is an appeal against conviction and sentence. The appeal was heard on 10 January 2024 and it was dismissed it in its entirety in an ex tempore judgment.The appellant pleaded not guilty. In his defence he explained that he was not denying the charge but this was a fight between him and the complainant. After hearing evidence from three state witnesses the court a quo dismissed the appellant’s story and was satisfied the witnesses were credible. There was no fight but the complainant was assaulted with unknown weapons and bricks in an attempt to rob him. The savage attack... More

On 12 November 2022 the appellant hired the respondent as a bursar. They signed a contract of employment. It was a fixed term contract which was to expire on 31December 2024. On 7 August 2023 the appellant terminated the contract of employment in terms of clause 9.2 of the contract through a letter More

On 20 December 2007, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming the sum of $87, 501, 810 -94 being the value of certain goods that were stolen after the plaintiff had placed them in storage with the defendant. The claim was resisted primarily on the basis that the defendant was not negligent in any respect leading to the loss of the goods. In particular, it was the defendant’s case that the parties had specifically agreed that the defendant would not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the plaintiff howsoever and form whatever cause arising even if... More

Appellant was employed by the respondent. He is alleged to have stolen goods from the employer. He was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal. The appellant appealed to the NEC for the Commercial Sectors Mashonaland Local Joint Committee which committee confirmed the respondent’s decision. A further appeal to the Negotiating Committee did not yield the desired result. Appellant has thus approached this court for relief. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the High Court sitting at Harare dated 25 November 2015. The bulk of the facts are by and large common cause. The undisputed facts are that the appellant at all material times was a shareholder and non-executive director of a company known as Oxford Agrochemicals (Pvt) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Agro Chemicals). More

This is an appeal against the dismissal by the High Court of appellant’s claim to property placed under attachment in execution, being a piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called Stand 262 Mount Pleasant Township 9 of Lot 50 Mount Pleasant, measuring 4144 square meters also known as No. 5 Westcott Road, Mount Pleasant, Harare. More

After perusing documents filed of record and hearing counsel, the unanimous decision of the Court was that the matter be dismissed with costs on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

The three applicants seekthe rescission of a default judgment that was entered against them on 4 December, 2019. The respondent had issued summons out of this court for the delivery of replacement motor vehicle parts or in the alternative payment of a certain sum of money being their replacement value (as well as interest thereon) and costs of suit. The default judgment followed the failure by applicants to enter appearance to defend within the dies induciae More

This is an application to dispense with leading of oral or viva voce evidence in terms of r 53(14) of the High Court Rules, 2021. More