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The plaintiff has sued the defendants for eviction under separate case numbers. The defendants filed their respective pleas and subsequent to their having entered appearance to defend the plaintiff has filed individual applications for summary judgment against all of the defendants. The applications are vigorously defended. At the instance of the parties the matters have been consolidated as the basic facts surrounding the dispute and the issues are identical. More

This is one of several similar matters in which the applicant is seeking the eviction of its former employees from company houses on the basis that the former employees were mere tenants whose employment has since terminated. The former employees, just like the respondent herein, argue that the applicant sold the houses to them. More

This is an application for summary judgment wherein the applicant seeks the eviction of the respondent and all those claiming occupation through him from house number 1131, Chipadze Township, Binduraand costs of suit. More

The plaintiff sought an order for the eviction of the defendant, and all those claiming occupation through him, from House No 1489 Mushambi Road, Chiwaridzo, Bindura (the property) and costs of suit. More

According to the declaration, the plaintiff resides in Mutare. He is a registered legal practitioner practising under the style of Mutungura and Partners where he is the managing and senior partner. He is also the Registrar of the Anglican Diocese of Manicaland in the Church of the Province of Central Africa. First defendant is a former headmaster of St Mathias Tsonzo High School owned by the Anglican Diocese of Manicaland. Second defendant is a school bursar at St Mathias Tsonzo High School. More

This is an application in which the following order is sought; “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The sale agreement entered between the 4th respondent and the late Samson Katsande in his capacity as the then executor of the estate of the late Christian Tatenda Kadira in respect of stand 77, the Grange, Harare, be declared a nullity. 2. The reversal of the transfer from the late Christian Kadira to the 4th respondent 3. The title deed 2004/2001 be and is hereby cancelled. 4. The 4th respondent to surrender title deed 2004/2001 to the 5th respondent within 48 hours of service... More

The plaintiff is a company with limited liability duly registered in accordance with the laws of South Africa. It has sued the defendants for the payment of various sums of money which it alleges are due to it arising from the supply by it, the plaintiff to an entity called Superbake, with which the defendants are all alleged to be connected to. The suit is defended, not because the debt is denied, but because the defendants have placed liability for the payment of the debt on the shoulders of the fourth defendant, which entity the plaintiff denies ever having contracted... More

The appellant was convicted by a regional magistrate sitting at Harare Magistrate Court on two counts of fraud and one count of Theft by Conversion. Upon his conviction, the appellant was sentenced as follows: “Count 2 - six years imprisonment Count 3 - three years imprisonment Count 5 - three years imprisonment. More

This is an application to set aside a judicial sale in terms of Rule 359 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules, 1971. The applicant is the judgment debtor, his property was attached and sold in execution. The applicant seeks to set aside an agreement of sale entered into between the first respondent, the seller of the property in issue who is the Sheriff of the High Court of Zimbabwe and the authority charged with conducting judicial sales in execution, (the Sheriff) and the third respondent. The third respondent is the buyer of the property whilst the fourth respondent is... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent on a fixed monthly contract from August 2012 to May 2013 when the contract was not renewed. The appellant filed a complaint with a labour officer that he was engaged as a carcass cutter grade 2 for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe and was being underpaid. The second claim was for payment for overtime worked. The parties failed to agree at conciliation stage and the matter was referred for compulsory arbitration. More

On 23 June 2004 under Case No. HC 8385/03 this court issued an order in favour of the second respondent herein in default of appearance of the first, third and fourth respondents herein. The order was corrected by an order issued by this court under Case No. HC 4071/06 dated 26 July 2006. The correction was intended to give effect to the execution of the order of 23 June 2004. The orders described above entitled the second respondent to have the right title and interest in certain immovable property, namely 221A Nedlaw Suburbs, Rimuka transferred from the first and fourth... More

This is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution being made pursuant to the applicant’s property having been attached by the second respondent, the Sheriff of Zimbabwe on the instructions of the first respondent. When the applicant filed this application, the Sheriff was about to remove the attached property, namely six motor vehicles and a motor bike. More

In the main, the plaintiff, ASP Marketing, claims against the first and second defendants, Lunar Chickens and Gideon Gono respectively, jointly and severally, payment of the sum of US$2 201 044-05, together with interest thereon at the prescribe rate. The claim is for the balance of the purchase price for goods sold and delivered, namely maize grain and soya beans. This followed a contract between ASP Marketing and Lunar Chickens duly represented by Gideon Gono. ASP Marketing seeks the piercing of Lunar Chickens’ corporate veil to make Gideon Gono personally liable for the same debt jointly with Lunar Chickens. This... More

In this matter I was phoned just before midnight on 29 June 2019, it having been filed as an urgent chamber applicant. I got to the High Court at 0012 hours on Sunday 30 June 2019. I found some of the applicants present in the company of their legal practitioner, Ms Sauramba. I sat out to read the bulky application as well as listen to representations from Ms Sauramba on behalf of the applicants. I was in my chambers until well after 4am. I decided that the matter would be set down for a hearing whereupon the other parties would... More

There have been a number of developments in this case from the time of summons commencing action up to the time this matter was eventually heard on 26 September 2012. More