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Court Judgements

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This is an application stay of execution of a decision to transfer applicant from Nyamakate Primary School to Godzi Primary, following applicant’s conviction on the following charges; 1) Defying the Acting Head, Mr Bodzo’s instruction of 16 January 2012 directing applicant to attend to his class. Instead applicant attended a parents Annual General Meeting. 2) Defying the Acting Head, Mr Bodzo’s instruction to leave the Annual General Meeting, which meeting the Applicant disrupted by interjecting resulting in parents walking out of the meeting. 3) Undermining the school administration by trying to influence prisoners on community service to make false allegations... More

The applicant seeks a prohibitory interdict against the respondent, more specifically that the respondent is prohibited from interfering with the applicant’s business, barring him from masquerading as a member of the applicant, confirmation of the respondent’s expulsion from the applicant and costs of suit on a higher scale. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which was made against the Appellant (employee) in favour of the Respondent (employer). More

A counter-claim is the defendant’s claim against the plaintiff. It must have a cause of action. Whilst it is filed together with the defendant’s plea, a counter-claim exists independently of the plaintiff’s claim. A defence which is couched in the words counter-claim defies logic, the rules of court and procedural law. More

This is a chamber application for an order for direct access to the Constitutional Court (“the Court”) made in terms of r 21(2) of the Constitutional Court Rules SI 61/2016, (“the Rules”). More

The applicant was convicted on his own plea of 49 counts of robbery and sentenced to 36 years imprisonment. The applicant committed the offences while armed with a machete, a spear and catapults. In furtherance of the commission of the crime the applicant perpetrated acts of violence on the victims, inflicting or intending to inflict serious bodily harm to some of the victims, which includes trying to burn them alive, breaking bones and teeth as well as throttling some of the victims and leaving others for dead. Some of the victims have been left with permanent disability. More

The appellants in this matter are former employees of the respondent. Respondent sued the appellants for eviction in the Magistrates’ Court and the court found in respondent’s favour. Dissatisfied with that appellants approached this court. The appeal was dealt with and dismissed ex tempore. They have now requested for written reasons and here are they. More

TAKUVA J: In this application the applicants seek an order in the following terms; “1. The first respondent’s decision confirming the sale under case No. HC 4159/17, SSB 47/18 be and is hereby set aside. 2. The first, second and third respondents be and are hereby ordered to pay costs of this application only if the same is opposed.” More

This is an appeal against the Works Council’s decision confirming Appellant’s dismissal from Respondent’s employ. Appellant’s grounds of appeal as per the notice of appeal are not clear. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Labour Officer which was issued on 17 April 2023. The propriety of the appeal has prompted this Court to give reasons why it is of the view that the matter is improperly before the Court. The Court has taken into consideration the issue of the audi alteram patem principle and took the view that it would be unnecessary to receive submissions on the matter. More

This is an application for condonation of the late noting of an appeal by the Applicant against an arbitral award which was made in favour of the Respondent employer on 26th April 2013. More

The plaintiff instituted a claim against the defendant claiming the return of USD $40 000-00 and interest thereof purportedly seized from the plaintiff unlawfully by the defendant in 2011. Appearance to defend was entered on behalf of the defendant by Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Legal & Corporate Services. More

The appellant was employed by Zvese Zvakanaka! Creative Credit as a Sales Representative. On four occasions the appellant misrepresented to the complainant Creative Credit that some three (3) customers had purchased certain products from the company, when in actual fact the goods were taken by the appellant. Appellant would forge clients’ signatures on the “Application Form” enabling deductions to be effected. More

This is an application simply tilted “Court application”. It is not shown on the face of the application or the founding affidavit what application it is exactly and in terms of what rule of court it is made. It is continuously referred as “court application”. The court has to infer from the totality of the papers and submissions made that it is probably made in terms of order 40 rule 359 (8) being an application for the setting aside of a sale in execution. More

In summary, the facts which culminated in the application in casu are that, the applicant and the respondent entered into an agreement of sale in respect of Stand Number 1244 Good Hope Township of Lot 16 of Good Hope, measuring 2035 square metres. In terms of the agreement, the respondent sold the property to the applicant for US$45 000.00, who paid US$32 500.00 towards the purchase price. The applicant averred that the outstanding sum of US$ 12 500.00 was in the custody of her legal practitioners. It was contended that whenever applicant made a payment towards the purchase price, such... More