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The accused, a 51 year old female villager of Chikara Village, Chief Nyamukoho, Mudzi was arraigned before the magistrate at Mutoko Court on 17 November, 2015. The accused was charged for contravening s 156 (1) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] which creates the offence of unlawful dealing in dangerous “Drugs”. It was alleged against her that she unlawfully cultivated 9 plants of dagga with an average height of 2 metres for the purpose of dealing in the said dagga. More

The three accused men are serving members of the Zimbabwe National Army. They face charges of murder. They all deny that they were in any way involved in the killing of one Blessward Shenje on 27 August 2015 in Rusape. More

This case is concerned with the proper wording of the sentence of “the passing of sentence”. The two accused persons jointly committed two counts of unlawful entry for which they were properly convicted on their pleas of guilty. They were correctly sentenced on 29 November 2010 to two disparate sentences on account of their different ages. The second accused, a juvenile aged 17 who was attending school, was found to have acted under the bad influence of his 30 year old uncle; the first accused. More

The accused (31) was charged with and convicted of rape as defined in s 65 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23] for raping his sister-in-law, the wife to his young brother on 13 April 2018 in her bedroom at village one Nyamugomba, Chinhoyi during the night. More

On 30th January, 2021 the accused who was the driver of a motor vehicle (described in both the charge and the State outline as a “Freight Liner Columbia truck”)approached a roadblock manned by several members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA)at a place called the Craft Centre in the town of Masvingo. It was his patently unorthodox driving conduct coupled with hisimpertinence and flagrant disobedienceto the lawful instructions givento him by the police that triggered the dramatic series of events which culminated in him being arrested and hurled before the magistrates’ court on three... More

This is an application for summary judgment. On 6 October 2009, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming the sum of US$4 568-85 in respect of certain goods allegedly sold and delivered at first defendant’s special instance. In its declaration, the plaintiff alleged that during the period 22 April to 20 May 2009, the plaintiff supplied stationery to the first defendant valued at $9 932-85. On 20 May 2009, the second defendant bound himself as co- principal debtor and surety for the debt due by the first defendant, which at the date of the suretyship, stood at $8 700-00.... More

At the hearing of this matter I dismissed the application with costs and indicated that reasons would follow. These are they; On 15 October 2015 I dismissed the applicant’s appeal with costs. At that hearing applicant was represented by one Witness Mapamba, a human resources officer. On 12 November 2015 applicant filed an application for leave to appeal in terms of section 92F (2) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. Applicant was now represented by counsel. The founding affidavit to the application was deposed to by Witness Mapamba. The intended grounds of appeal are; More

When submissions were made by both counsels on the preliminary points raised by the first Respondent, The Applicant’s counsel expressed the view that I probably had not followed the gist of the Applicant’s position. I want to assure counsel that I was quite alive to the submissions he made that in his perception the judgment debtor does not exist having lost its identity after the dissolution of TH Zimbabwe (Private) Limited in 2002, Hastt Incorporation (Zimbabwe) (Pvt) Limited, BMA Fasteners (Private) Limited & Tube and Pipe Industries (Private) Limited. It was on the ashes of these companies that the Applicant... More

This is an application for summary judgment.In particular, the draft order reads as follows: “1. Application for summary judgment be and is hereby granted. 2. Respondent be and is hereby ordered to pay a +pplicant the sum of US$200 000.00 together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate from 1 February 2020 to date of payment in full. 3. Costs of suit on legal practitionerand client scale.” More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the Labour Court of Zimbabwe sitting at Harare delivered on 2 November 2010 in which the court a quo dismissed an application for review by the appellant. After hearing counsel’s submissions, the appeal was dismissed with costs. More

On 23 July 2018 Mr Forward Kapiya (the respondent) of Stand 254 Headlands Location issued summons at Rusape Magistrate’s Court against the appellant. Stella Masunga where he was seeking eviction of the appellant from a commercial stand No193, Headlands known as Kapiya General Dealer. In the summons he averred that the appellant was his ex-wife and he had since separated with her and since she was then co-habiting with other men, she ought to move out of the property. More

The application was placed before me as a Chamber Application for an order compelling the Respondent to release to the Applicant the documents and determination relating to Applicant’s disciplinary case failing which the Respondent was to be ordered to reinstate the Applicant. In the event of reinstatement being no longer an option, the Respondent was to in the alternative pay Applicant damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

This is an appeal against the decision of Respondent’s Appeals Committee which upheld the determination of the Disciplinary Committee finding the Appellant guilty of misconduct culminating in her dismissal from employment. More

The applicant seeks an order for placement of a caveat ona property. More

This is an application for review. The 1st to 17th respondents are former employees of the applicant company who were employed as fishermen on a full time basis. The 18th respondent is cited in his capacity as arbitrator in the matter under review. More