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The accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 17th of February 2012 and at 14 Heath fields Crescent Northend, the accused person and another stabbed Michael Jongi with knives several times on the back intending to kill him or realising that there is a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause the death of the now deceased but however, he continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility. More

MAKONESE J: The accused is charged with murder in contravention of section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). It being alleged that on the 11th of July 2020 and at house number 1261 Old Luveve, Bulawayo. The accused stabbed one NkosinathiNdlovu once in the chest with a knife intending to cause his death or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause the death of his victim. More

Accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 10th of December 2021 at Village Kufa, Headman Chirima, Chief Mkoka, Gokwe South, he unlawfully caused the death of Nkosiyazi Mpofu by striking him with an axe on the back of the head, trampling upon the deceased’s head with booted feet, striking him with a sjambok several times and with an iron bar all over the body and thereby causing his death. Accused pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. More

The accused was aged 38 years at the time of the commission of the offence. The accused was deceased’s biological mother. The deceased was aged 8 years at the time she met her death. The accused has been arraigned in this court on a charge of murder in violation of section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). The accused pleads not guilty to the charge of murder. She tendered a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. The state accepts the limited plea. More

The allegations are that on the 1st of April 2018, the accused shot and caused the death of one Edmore Phiri. He appeared before us facing a charge of murder in contravention of s47 (1) of the Criminal Code. The accused denied the charge. He said he had no intention to cause the death of the deceased but to arrest him. He suspected that the deceased must have been hit by a bullet that had ricocheted. More

KABASA J: The accused appeared before us on a charge of murder as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. He pleaded not guilty to murder but tendered a limited plea to culpable homicide. The state did not accept the limited plea. More

The accused person faces a charge of murder it being alleged that on the 1st of April 2021 at about 0300 hours the accused fired a rifle and shot deceased Clearance Mhanga on the forehead, neck and shoulders thereby causing his death. The accused person denies the charge. More

At the time of the commission of this offence, the accused was 24 years old whilst the deceased was 28. He was charged with her murder in contravention of section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. He denied the charge. His defence was an alibi that on the alleged date of the murder, he was on his way to Zambia and not at the scene of crime at Inyathi. Tracy Mpofu and Nomazulu Mnkandla told the court the story of what transpired on the fateful day that perhaps sounded like a “Friday the 13th” evening to them.... More

The 2 accused persons are charged with murder in that it is alleged that on the 4th of September 2020 and at Stand No. 4 Mucklenuck village in Inyathi, the 2 accused persons unlawfully caused the death of Pilate Moyo by assaulting him with fists on the face, butt of a shotgun once on the forehead and a whip 3 times all over the body and thereby causing his death. Accused 1 pleaded Not Guilty to murder but offered a limited plea to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. Accused 2 pleaded Not Guilty to murder but tendered a limited... More

The accused faces a murder charge as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Code. He denies the charge completely. In short, the accused was 30 at the time the offence was committed. The deceased was his father and aged 78. Apparently, the accused believed that his father and his aunt were bewitching him. On the fateful day on 27 January 2018, he took an axe and went to his father’s homestead where he lived with his younger wife. When he got to the homestead, he simply uttered the words “you want me to die.” He was furious and... More

The accused persons have been arraigned in this court facing a charge of murder in violation of section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). It is alleged that on 18th October 2019 at Battlefields Village, Mbembesi, the accused acting in concert with three other persons, assaulted the deceased, Sifelani Nkomo all over the body several times using switches, a whip and an axe, intending to cause his death or realizing that their conduct may cause his death. The accused persons deny the charges. They however tendered a plea of guilty to the lesser charge... More

The accused faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on the 9th of August 2021 at his own homestead in Nkayi he unlawfully caused the death of Rangisai Ndlovu by stabbing him once on the chest with a knife and thereby causing his death. The accused offered a limited plea to the charge of culpable homicide. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. He tendered a plea of guilty to culpable homicide which the state rejected. The allegations are that on 16 October 2022 at about 1730 hours the deceased was at a place called Junction Stores at a business centre in Nkayi and in his company were 3 others. They were having a meal when the deceased saw someone he knew and called him over. The two started insulting each other in jest. The accused who heard... More

The state allegations are that the accused and now deceased were husband and wife but were not staying together. On 3 May 2022 the deceased visited the accused at his home. The two had a misunderstanding over some text messages and pictures which were in the deceased’s phone. The accused then picked up a knife and stabbed the deceased several times resulting in her death. More

This review is at the instance of the scrutinising Regional Magistrate. The accused was arraigned before the magistrates’ court sitting at Gweru, in the Midlands Province. He was charged with the crime of sexual intercourse or performing indecent acts with a young person as defined in section 70(1)(c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that on 15 January 2022 the accused solicitated or enticed the complainant, a female juvenile aged 15 years to have extra marital sexual intercourse with him. He pleaded not guilty, and after a contested trial he was convicted and... More