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The accused is charged with the murder of a farmer, Charles Anderson, on the 2nd of June 2002 at Norfolk Farm, by shooting him in the head with an AK rifle. The accused denies shooting the deceased and states that it was his accomplice, Benedict Makumbe, who shot the deceased. More

This record of proceedings came before me on automatic review in terms of s 57 of the Magistrates Court Act [Chapter 7:10]. At his trial, the accused who was charged with the offence of assault as defined in s 89(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Code) pleaded guilty to that crime. However, at the time that the trial magistrate was explaining the essential elements of the offence to him, it turned out that the accused’s explanation for the commission of the crime was that he was intoxicated at the time that he committed the... More

[2] The accused was convicted on a charge of negligent driving in contravention of section 52 (2) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11]. He had been initially charged with reckless driving in contravention of s 53(2) of the same Act. The scrutinizing regional magistrate’s view was that the accused’s conviction was improper, and that the consequent sentence meted out by the trial magistrate was ‘disturbingly inappropriate’. More

In this case a 74-year-old man lost his life at the hands of his brother in Mahusekwa area which falls under Chief Nenguwo. The deceased died as a result of an assault upon him by the accused person. Initially the accused person was charged with murder as defined in s 47(1)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The charge is marked as Annex “A.” The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder and tendered a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. The defence and the state came up with a... More

The accused was charged with murder, it being alleged that on the 4th day of December 2014 at around 23:00 hours at Kimcote 2, Beatrice he unlawfully and intentionally killed Lovemore Mutaramutswa by striking him all over his body using sticks thereby inflicting injuries from which the said Lovemore Mataramutswa died. He pleaded not guilty to murder but pleaded guilty to culpable homicide. More

The two accused were arraigned before this court on a charge of murder it being alleged that on the 1st of January 2016 around 00.30 hours at Home Plus bottle store in Bromley NRZ Quarters, they unlawfully and intentionally murdered Blessing Tondodza by head butting, kicking and assaulting him with a jacaranda switch and a metal fluorescent lamp holder on his head thereby causing injuries from which the said Blessing Tondodza died. More

The accused was convicted on her own plea of guilty of having contravened s of 157 (1) (b) Criminal (Codification and Reform Act) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The accused, a female aged 40 years who resides in Mount Darwin, was found in possession of 1885grams of loose cannabis. From the facts the State established that on the 7th May 2017 a certain Constable Goko reacted upon certain information he had received which led to the arrest of the accused on the 8th of May 2017. When she was searched, she was found to be in possession of 4 separate plastic bags... More

KABASA J: The four accused appeared before the court a quo charged with contravening section 38(1) as read with s 38(2) of the Parks and Wildlife Act, Chapter 20:14. They pleaded guilty and were duly convicted. The facts are that on 8th August 2021 the four went to Dollar Block Ranch Safaris Inyathi where, with the aid of dogs and spears, they hunted and killed 3 impala, one female and 2 male. Investigations led to their arrest and subsequent appearance in court. More

The accused was charged with murder of one Tapiwa Marisa which occurred on 27 August 2017. He pleaded not guilty to murder in terms of s 47(1) (a) and in his defence outline was willing to plead to a lesser charge of culpable homicide. The salient facts regarding the circumstances of the murder were largely not in dispute and the defence conceded from the start that despite minor discrepancies in the statements of the state’s witnesses the evidence nonetheless pointed to the assault of the deceased by the accused. For this reason, and, the fact that the key state witnesses... More

The appellant in this case was arraigned before the court sitting at Bindura charged with the offence of contravening section 89 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act,1 the offence being one of assault. More

The accused faces a charge of murder in contravention of s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Code). The indictment alleges that on 18 June 2020 at Chikukwa Mine Compound in Christon Bank, Nesbert Kaseke (the accused), unlawfully and with intent to kill or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his actions could lead to death and persisting with his conduct despite that realisation of the risk or possibility, assaulted Terrence Nyemba (the deceased) with a shovel three times on the head. The deceased succumbed to the injuries inflicted. More

The accused is facing a charge of murder. The allegations against him are that on 3 September 2005 at Mugabe Village, Chief Musana, Bindura, the accused person unlawfully and with intent to kill, assaulted the now deceased Martin Makenzi on the head with a hoe handle thereby causing injuries from which the deceased died. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and tendered a defence outline which he adopted as part of his evidence. More

The deceased was nine years old at the time he met his death. He was the accussed’s biological son and a grade 2 pupil at Muraba primary school under Chief Muketi in Mwenezi district. The accused was a school teacher at the same school. The State’s allegations as can be gleaned from the summary is that on 28 of June 2009 the accused went with the deceased to the river to take a bath and to do some laundry. Whilst at the river the accused person started assaulting the deceased alleging that he had failed to comply with his instructions.... More

The narrow issue which falls for determination in this matter is whether the accused acted in self-defence when he fatally stabbed the now deceased one Learnmore Majoni. More

The accused persons who are brother and sister respectively are accused of having murdered one Diana Makwinja Junior who was a biological daughter of the first accused and a niece to the second accused Diana Makwinja. Both accused persons pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder. However, the first accused pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of assault which plea was not accepted by the State. More