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The plaintiffs are trustees of the Leonard Cheshire Homes Trust, a trust established in terms of the trust laws of Zimbabwe. The Trust was established in 1981. The trustees, were appointed at different stages, as will be clarified in the judgment. The main objective of the trust as provided in clause 3 (i) (a) of the Deed of Trust is, More

This matter commenced as an action against seven (7) defendants by the two plaintiffs seeking:- 1. a permanent interdict barring the defendants from reproducing, selling or offering for sale exporting or otherwise dealing in their plaintiffs’ works. 2. an order that defendants account for all the profits from infringing plaintiffs’ works. 3. damages calculated at 50% of the profits made by the defendants from infringing plaintiffs’ works for the period 12/02/2009 to date of summons. 4. attachment and delivery up of all infringing copies or articles presently in defendants’ possession and five costs of suit at the attorney and own... More

From 10 to 19 December 2015 the 2nd respondent embarked on an institutional special investigative audit report at the 1st respondent’s institution following complaints that 1st respondent’s, the City Council employees were being owed salary arrears of eighteen months. Obviously the report by the Ministry was adverse and revealed anomalies committed by Mutare City Council. The applicant accessed the investigative report and offered to assist the City Council. The City Council refused and the applicant wrote threatening letters to 1st respondent and indicated to Municipality of Mutare that it was going to advise residents to boycott payment of utility bills... More

KABASA J: This is an application for rescission of judgment, a judgment granted under case number HC 2167/19 on 10th September 2019. The application is brought in terms of rule 449 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The applicants contend that the judgment was erroneously sought and erroneously granted as the 1st respondent cited therein was deceased at the time of the filing of the application and the subsequent granting of the same. The 2nd respondent cited therein was not served with the application and so could not have been adjudged as being in default. Had the Judge who granted... More

This is an appeal against a quantification order which was made by the arbitrator in favour of the respondent employee More

On the 17th March 2017 after hearing submissions from the parties I granted the following order: More

This is an application for maintenance pendente lite and for contribution towards costs in litigation. The parties were married in 2013 and have three minor children. They no longer stay as husband and wife. The wife had moved out with all the children and is renting accommodation elsewhere. The parties have a pending divorce action. The applicant is not formally employed but is the custodian and primary caretaker of the children on a day to day basis. The respondent, her husband, is a managing director of a company. What applicant seeks are the following sums of money: $ 5 000.00... More

This is a vindicatory action by the plaintiff who seeks to vindicate her house from defendant who is in occupation without her consent. After hearing all the evidence I granted the following order. “Judgment be entered for the plaintiff against the defendant for:- (a) An order evicting the defendant from No. 5 Chester Place, Hillcrest, Bulawayo and delivery thereof of the said property unencumbered. (b) The defendant’s counter-claim be and is hereby dismissed. (c) Each party to bear its own costs” More

On 8 February 2018 the High Court delivered a judgment in respect to this matter. The appellant noted the present appeal against the decision of the court a quo which imposed a penalty of death against the appellant for the murder of two deceased persons. More

This is an appeal against the sentence imposed on the appellant following his conviction on a charge of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law) Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appellant was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 4 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition that the appellant does not within that period commit an offence involving dishonesty for which he is sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court at the instance of the applicant employee. Background to the matter is that the employer the bank successfully appealed to the labour against a reinstatement order made by the NEC Appeals Committee for the banking sector in a labour dispute pitting the employee and the bank. The employee was irked by the success of the appeal so he now wants to approach the Supreme Court on appeal. It is in the light of such intent that he seeks leave from this court to approach the Supreme Court on... More

This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant seeks the following interim relief: “Pending the return date, the applicant is granted the following relief: 1. The execution of the writ of execution under HC 1430/17 issued on 2nd December 2021 by the Registrar of the High Court be and is hereby stayed. 2. The 2nd respondent be and is hereby interdicted from ejecting applicant from remaining extent Lot B Lower Rangemore, Umguza as per Notice of Removal dated 7th December 2021. The final order sought should the interim relief be granted is: 1. The Certificate of Registration issued by... More

The appellants who were unrepresented were arrested and charged with the offence of violating s 10 of the Copper Control Act [Chapter 14:06], the allegations having been that they were found in possession of 140 kgs of copper wire and that they had failed to give a satisfactory account of such possession. Upon pleading to the charge each appellant was sentenced to an effective prison term of 2 years and the copper wire was declared to have been forfeited to the State. More

Appellants appeared before a Magistrate sitting at Kezi on the 14th December 2019 facing one count of assault as defined in section 89 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (Chapter 9:23). Appellants pleaded guilty to the charge and were sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 2 months was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of future good conduct. More

The applicant faces allegations of murder committed in the course of a robbery. He applies for bail pending trial on the basis of changed circumstances. His previous bail attempts before this court were dismissed by ZHOU J on 5 August, 2015 and 20 July, 2016 and written reasons were supplied by the learned judge. In the reasons for dismissing his application handed down on 20 July, 2016, it was noted that the trial of the accused and his accomplices had failed to commence on 23 May, 2016 through circumstances beyond the control of the National Prosecuting Authority in that the... More