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This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down by Honourable Kare where he ruled that the now appellant was not entitled to automatic renewal of his three year contract and that the now respondent pay to the appellant three months salary in lieu of notice and all calculable benefits among to the appellant. More

DUBE-BANDA J: This is a bail application pending trial. Applicants are jointly charged with two counts of robbery as defined in section 126 (1) (a) of the Criminal law [Codification and Reform] Act Chapter 9:23. It being alleged that, on 5 February 2021, at Warmaley Stamping Mill, Mpoengs area, Plumtree applicants used violence by arming themselves with knives and machetes in order to induce complainants to relinquish their various properties, which included a grinding machine, welding machine, 12v generator battery, fuel, airtime, cellphone, car radio, car registration book, brown wallet, cash in the sum of R17 600, 14 grams of... More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The applicant faces a charge of armed robbery as defined in section 126 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23. More

At the hearing of this matter, the applicant applied for a postponement. The reasons for applying for postponement is that they want time to file their heads of arguments which they failed to file in terms of the rules. The provisions of law are very clear. The respondent ought to have filed their heads in terms of Rule 15. More

1. This appeal arises from the judgment of the High Court in whichthe court a quoordered the appellant to pay the respondent the sum of US$89 000 with interest at the prescribed rate calculated from 11 December 2012 to the date of full payment. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict. The relief sought by the applicant is couched in the following terms: “Interim relief sought (a) That the 1st respondent, his assignees or employees be and are hereby interdicted from carrying out any mining activities on Don Juan 46 situate in Zhombe Communal Lands, Zhombe, Kwekwe. (b) The Sheriff of Zimbabwe by the powers vested in his office with the assistance of members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police be authorized to enforce clauses of the order in the event of non-compliance with the court order. Terms of final order sought (a)... More

The undisputed facts of this matter are that on the 31st January 2014, the Sheriff of Zimbabwe conducted a public auction for the sale of Stand 105 Emerald Hill Township 2 of Stand 26B Emerald Hill Township measuring 2050 square metres held under Deed of Transfer 4370/96 commonly known as Stand 105 Goodall Close, Emerald Hill, Harare. The sale was conducted in terms of the rules of this Honourable Court and was pursuant to a court order obtained by Ordecco (Pvt) Ltd against one David Govere under case number HC 9257/12 and judgment number HH-179/13. At the public auction Applicant... More

This matter came before me as an urgent chamber application wherein the applicants seek urgent relief as couched below: “FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this honourable court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1) The first and second respondents are hereby interdicted from proceeding with any form of construction work at Glaudina and Kuwadzana Extension junction using a draft plan TPY/WR/1/24 until General Plan CT 2670 [SR 28532] is set aside. 2) The Draft layout plan TPY/WR/1/24 be and is hereby declared to be in direct conflict with General Plan 2670/... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of heads of argument and upliftment of bar. Applicant filed an application for review on the 28 August 2013. On the same date, the First Respondent was called upon to file a Notice of Response in Form LC2. First Respondent, who was a self actor then, proceeded to file a Notice of Opposition on the 6th of September 2013. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing and extension of time within which to file an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against a judgment of this court handed down on 18 September 2015. In terms of Rule 36 of S.I. 59/06, an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court is to be made within 30 days from the date of the decision sought to be appealed against. Applicant avers that he only became aware of the judgment on 15 December 2015. The present application was filed on 17 December 2015. More

The record of this matter was placed before me in chambers for consideration. It is an application for interim relief purportedly made in terms of section 92 E subsection (3) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01]. More

This present matter is a dispute over the origins hence ownership of a consignment of Lithium ore seized by police on the 8th of May 2023. The applicant and 1st respondent are both duly registered companies and are both into lithium ore mining. In addition, the 1st respondent claims that it also sources lithium ore from small scale miners. The facts of this matter are fairly straight forward and for the most part common cause. On 5 May 2023 the applicant got wind from the police that some lithium ore suspected to have been extracted from its mine was in... More

The applicant seeks leave to be allowed to amend its pleadings in HC 187/19. The applicant is the first defendant in that matter and the 1st respondent is the plaintiff. Before filing this application the applicant sought the consent of the 1st respondent to no avail. More

This is an opposed urgent chamber application for interlocutory relief pending the disposition of the appeal in SC 269/21, in terms of r 39 (1) as read with r 73 of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 as further read with r 244 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The appeal goes to the root of proceedings pending before the first respondent, a Regional Magistrate. In short the applicants are seeking an order staying proceedings before the first respondent, pending finalisation of the appeal under SC 269/21. On 10 November 2021, I gave an order staying the proceedings. The reasons for... More

This is an application for review of the first respondent’s decision dismissing the applicants’ exception in a criminal trial. More