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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against refusal by the magistrate to grant bail pending trial. More

I dismissed the appeal on the day of hearing and indicated that reasons would follows. These are they: This is an appeal against the findings of the Appeals hearing dismissing Appellant from employment after confirming his guilty for contravening offence D14 OF Art Corporation Code of Conduct, that is to say, any act conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express or implied conditions of one’s contract of employment; and contravening offence D9 of Art Corporation Code of Conduct, that is to say, willful loss or damage of company property. More

This is an appeal against conviction and sentences imposed on the appellants on a charge of obstructing or endangering the free movement of persons or traffic as defined in s 38(c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] ( the Criminal Law Code). 2. Each appellant was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual condition of good behaviour. 3. The trial court found that the first, second, third and fifth appellants had acted in common purpose with those demonstrators who, in Mvurwi Town, had unlawfully and... More

The plaintiff in this matter seeks the cancellation of an agreement of sale in respect of a stand in Vainona, Harare, and an order for the transfer of that stand from the 1st defendant to the plaintiff. The sole issue for determination herein is whether or not the full purchase price was actually paid into the plaintiff’s account. More

On 26 September 2012 the Honourable R.E. Nhiwatiwa made an arbitration award at Harare. In terms of thereof he dismissed appellant’s claim of unfair dismissal by respondent. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

The arbitrator W Musiiwa issued an arbitration award on 24 September 2012. In terms thereof he dismissed the appellants’ claim of unfair dismissal from employment by the respondent. The appellants then appealed to this Court against the award. The respondent opposed the appeal. The Grounds of Appeal averred are as follows: “The 1stand 2ndapplicants were employed on silent contracts as indicated on the last form they completed dated 1 July. They had been on fixed term contracts previously but on this one their contractual agreement was very silent. The CBA of the Catering Industry S I 167/91 in section 17... More

The appellant appeared before the Regional Magistrate for the Eastern Region facing two charges. Firstly, he was charged with Rape as defined in s 65 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23] in that on the 10th April 2017 he had unlawful sexual intercourse with a female adult without her consent. Secondly, he was charged with Criminal Abuse of Duty as Public Officer as defined in s 174 (1) of the same Criminal Law Code in that on the same day he gave to the victim two documents namely, a birth certificate and national identity document... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court which upheld the dismissal of the appellant from employment. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee, which found the Appellant guilty of misconduct and dismissed him from employment. More

On 15 May 2020 I granted an application for a provisional order temporarily staying the transfer of the applicant (who is a serving member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police) from Chivi Traffic Section to Mkwasine Police station. The confirmation, variation or discharge of the provisional order on the return date was dependent upon the respondents furnishing what was termed "lawful, good and sufficient" reasons for so transferring the applicant. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court (“the court a quo), sitting at Gweru, wherein the court a quo upheld an appeal by the respondent on the basis that she had been improperly charged and convicted by the appellant’s disciplinary authority. More

This is an automatic appeal against both conviction and sentence. The appellant was convicted of murder with actual intent by the High Court sitting on circuit at Gweru on 22 September 2014. Upon conviction, the penalty of death was imposed. More

The present matter is an appeal against the determination and penalty imposed by the 1st Respondent Disciplinary Authority which determination was dated 6 May 2015. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict barring the first and second respondents and any persons acting through them from interfering with the applicant as he retrieve his assets which are currently sitting on the third respondent’s premises in Msasa Harare. More

A brief background of this matter is that on 14 February 2017 applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking provisionally an order interdicting respondents and any other persons acting through them from interfering with or otherwise disrupting Applicant from collecting his assets from 3rd respondent’s premises at any given time and also that 2nd respondent be interdicted from issuing threats of harm to applicant and preventing or disrupting applicant from carrying out his activities at 3rd respondent’s premises. More