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Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. His Heads Of Argument summarised the case as follows; “1. It is respectfully submitted that Respondent errored (sic) in dismissing Appellant on allegations of incompetence because (to) the job was not done by three surveyors – namely H Chitonje, A Pazvakavambwa and M Mapfumo. Respondent did not dispute that according to the record of minutes of hearing. 2. We further submit that according to minutes, of (which) it is alleged that Appellant has for a long time been counselled on his shoddy work performance but there is no... More

On 22 September, 2016, we dismissed the above appeal, with each party to bear its own costs. On 16 May, 2017, the appellant wrote a letter to the Registrar asking for the reasons for judgment. This is what prompted us to write this judgment. More

On 22 October 2015 this matter was postponed sine die at the instance of the appellant. Since then the appeal has not been prosecuted giving rise to the impression that the appeal has been abandoned. In terms of section 89 (2) (a) (i) of the Labour Act the court in the exercise of its many functions may decide an appeal on the basis of papers filed of record. It is in the spirit of the above quoted section that the instant judgment is written to dispose of the appeal which was postponed sine die on 22 October 2015. More

As one of his grounds of appeal, Appellant raised the issue of the use of incorrect Code of Conduct. The ground reads:- “a. We submitted to the hearing committee that we have grave reservations about their employ of the Interfresh Code of Conduct in bringing charges of misconduct against the Appellant. Our reasoning was based on the mere fact that Section 3 of the Interfresh Code of Conduct provides the following. The Code of Conduct is applicable to all employees of Interfresh Limited … Managerial up to Senior Management (B1) and none managerial. Employees in grades A4 up to A1... More

on 18th September 2018, I presided over an ex-parte urgent chamber application for stay of execution pending rescission of judgment at the conclusion of which I rendered an ex –tempore judgment dismissing the application. The applicant having appealed these are my written reasons for judgment. More

This is an appeal against the arbitral award of Honourable M Dangwa which was handed down on the 30th day of April 2012. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Magistrates court sitting at Chiredzi (“the court a quo”) dismissing the appellant’s application for an interdict. The applicant had approached the court a quo seeking an order interdicting the first respondent from interfering with his (i.e., appellant’s) utilisation of a 10 hectare stretch of land situated between their respective farms which are adjacent. Both are resettlement farms in the Chiredzi district of Masvingo province, namely Subdivision 3 of Hippo Valley settlement Holdings (Subdivision 3) and Hippo Valley Settlement Holdings Lot 53 (the remaining extent of Lot 53). They were allocated... More

On 28 May 2021, plaintiff caused the issuance of summons against first and second defendants claiming: (a) revocation of a donation he made in their favour in respect of a piece of land called the Remainder of Lot 135 Athlone Township of Green Grove situate in the district of Salisbury and held under Deed of Transfer 320/2000 also known as 10 Hopley Avenue Athlone, Greendale, Harare (the property). (b) that third defendant be ordered to register the property in the plaintiff’s name. (c) that third defendant be ordered not to allow the sale of the property by first and second... More

The background of the matter is that the applicants are involved in on-going litigation with the respondent. The main matter, HC 2173/08, to which the present application for rescission relates was scheduled to be heard on 19 November 2009. The applicants, together with their legal practitioner, did not make an appearance. No explanation was tendered on behalf of both the applicants and their legal practitioner at the hearing. The respondent sought and obtained judgment by default against the applicants in that main matter. The applicants’ legal practitioner later learnt of the judgment against his clients when he made follow-up on... More

This is an application for summary judgment issued by the applicant against the respondent on the basis that the latter has no bonafide defense against the applicant’s claim. More

The applicant is a local authority established in terms of the Urban Councils Act (Chapter 24:03). The applicant is the registered owner of stand 484 Jakaranda Drive, Victoria Falls. The stand is currently being occupied by the respondent. More

NDEWERE E.F The Applicant applied for Review of Honourable C. Kabasa’s award in the above case given on 4 May, 2011. The grounds for review were that the award is defective in that: a) “The “award”, does not give a meaningful factual narration and analysis as to what exactly were the issues before the Arbitrator. b) On page 1 of the so called award there is no heading, “arbitral award” which is important and indicative that indeed it is an arbitral award. c) There is no clear cut indication as to what was submitted by the parties to the Arbitrator... More

According to the applicant the background facts to this matter are as follows: On 21 June 2010 the first respondent, represented by its chief executive officer, signed an acknowledgment of debt in favour of the applicant in the sum of US$418 400-00. The debt had arisen on account of the supplies of the applicant’s products at the request of the first and second respondents. During the period 6 June 2010 and 1 September 2010 a further debt of US$267 260-00 was similarly incurred. The total debt then became US$685 659-98 (inclusive of the amount secured under the acknowledgment of debt).... More

Respondent was employed by the appellant as a procurement executive. For the sack of brevity the court will summarise the facts as follows. During the currency of her employment, respondent filed certain grievances with the appellant. These issues were deliberated upon by the appellant who dismissed them. Thereafter the appellant instituted misconduct proceedings against the respondent. Respondent declined to attend and the matter was heard in her absence. She was found guilty and dismissed from employment More

This is an application in which applicant is seeking: (a) The nullification of an agreement of sale in respect of a piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called stand 17164 Harare Township of Salisbury Township Lands known as House No. 17164 Sable road Borrowdale West, which agreement was entered into between first and third and fourth respondents. More