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This is an application for the confirmation of a ruling made by the applicant in terms of section 93 (5) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] as amended. Applicant is a labour officer in the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Services. On 23 February 2016 applicant made a ruling in the matter between Machaba and the respondent. Machaba had been employed by the respondent as a legal secretary from 21 December 2010 to October 2015 when the contract of employment was terminated on notice. Machaba then approached the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Services claiming terminal... More

This is an application for confirmation of the draft ruling by Labour OfficerBrenda Garudzo that was handed down on the 8th of March 2019. The brief facts of the matter are that, (i) The 2nd Respondent was employed by the 1st Respondent as a Sales Consultant in November2013. (ii) In November 2016 she was promoted to the position of a Team Leader. (iii) On the 26th of May 2017 she was charged with misconduct and she was dismissed from employment on the 3rd of August 2017. (iv) She appealed to the Appeals Committee but before the Appeals Committee had made... More

On the 25th August 2022 at Harare, applicant in her capacity as a Labour Officer issued a ruling. She ordered 2nd respondent (employer) to pay 1st Respondent (employee) a sum of US$507 917 and other items. Apparently the employer did not comply. Applicant then applied to this Court for the confirmation of her ruling in terms of section 93(5a) of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. The employee supported the application whilst the employer opposed it. More

This is a claim by the plaintiff against the defendant for ZAR 17 353-00 for the repair between 19 and 30 December 2008 of two fuel pumps. The plaintiff also seeks interest at the prescribed rate from 27 January 2010 to the date of payment in full. In the pleadings the plaintiff sought costs on the ordinary scale but in his oral submissions Mr Morris, for the plaintiff, applied for punitive costs. The defendant disputed the entire debt. More

This court is generally reluctant to interfere with unterminated proceedings in the inferior courts. However, as shall be demonstrated in this case, certain exceptions warrant the intervention of this court guided by the interests of justice principle. The applicant approached this court seeking the review of the decision of the first respondent. The first respondent dismissed the application for discharge at the close of the State case which was lodged by the applicant. More precisely, the applicant prays for the following relief: “1. The decision of the first respondent dismissing the applicant’s Application for Discharge at the Close of The... More

The parties herein were formerly husband and wife. Two minor children were born from the union, namely Anthony Christie Pissas (born 8th March 1994) and Dean Alexander Pissas (born 13th October 1995). On 2 November 2006 this Honourable Court granted a decree of divorce in favour of the respondent herein. The respondent was awarded custody of the minor children. Prior to the decree of divorce being granted the parties had entered into a Consent Paper in terms of which other ancillary relief was provided for. More

The respondent was employed in terms of a letter of appointment whose terms read as follows in part: “Subsequent to the various discussions we had with you recently, we are pleased to offer you a contract of employment as Procurement and Marketing Manager to Mapako (Pty) Ltd and its related companies. Date of Commencement: 1st September 2009 Duration of Contract : Open ended Subject to notice as detailed below: Location: This can be either in Zimbabwe, at your current home in Marondera, or in Francistown Botswana, at your election. While you remain in Zimbabwe, for administration reasons, you will be... More

This is an application for condonation and, extension of time within which to file an application for the reinstatement of an appeal filed by the applicant against the judgment of the Administrative Court upholding the granting to the second respondent by the first respondent, of a permit to subdivide a property. The application is made in terms of r 70 of the Rules of this Court. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) sitting at Harare handed down on 31 January 2023 wherein the court a quo dismissed the appellant`s claim that certain loans advanced to the first respondent be repaid in United States dollars. More

This was an urgent chamber application to stop an eviction on the grounds that the second respondent, the messenger of court, allegedly on the back and call of an official from the Ministry of Lands, was straying outside the four corners of the court order that defined the premises the applicant, and all those claiming occupation through him, had to be evicted from. More

On 31 May 2017 we dismissed the appellant’s appeal with costs. We promised to provide our reasons within fourteen days. Regrettably, the period proved too ambitious. We had not reckoned with a workload build-up in the days that followed. More

This is an appeal against the sentence imposed upon the appellant following his conviction on three counts of robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [ Chapter 9:23], one count of attempted robbery as defined in s 189 (I) (a) and (b) as read with s 126 of the same Act,one count of attempted rape as defined in s 65 as read with s 189 of the same Act, and one count of theft as defined in s 113 of the Act. More

The Appellant appeals against the Respondent’s decision to dismiss him. Appellant was employed as a general nurse by the Respondent. During his tenure of employment it was alleged that Appellant had committed acts of misconduct. More specifically it was alleged that he issued fake receipts to the Respondent’s clients, accepted payment from such clients and converted the money to his own use. He was charged in terms of the Health Services Regulations 2006, he was found guilty and dismissed from the Respondent’s employment. More

This is an application for confirmation of a draft ruling handed down by the Applicant on the 8th July, 2016. The application is premised on the provisions in Section 93 (5a) (b) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] (the Act). More

The appellant was employed by the respondent at all material times. He was a supervisor at one of the respondent’s outlet. More