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The appellant appeals against the whole judgment of the Labour Court (the court a quo), which was handed down on 9 January 2015. The court a quo dismissed his appeal against the determination of the disciplinary authority, which found him guilty of misconduct and dismissed him from employment. More

The applicant is a South African national. He is on bail together with three accused South African nationals on allegations of fraud involving US$1 million. The alleged principal perpetrator, one Ping Sung Hsieh, is in South Africa awaiting extradition to this country. His extradition hearing is scheduled for 14 June, 2011. On 28 February, 2011 OMERJEE J granted the applicant and his co-accused bail pending trial. The bail order reads as follows:- “1. The applicant to deposit $500 with the Clerk of Court Harare Magistrate Court. 2. The applicant resides at No. 4 Dromore Road, Highlands, until this matter is... More

The applicants, in a founding affidavit deposed to by the first applicant and to which the other nine have confirmed themselves to be party to the averments contained therein, allege that they are members of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Zimbabwe. In an opposing affidavit deposed to by the first respondents, all respondents have challenged the membership of a number of the applicants. More

The plaintiff and the first defendant were wife and husband respectively under an unregistered customary law union which has now been dissolved. The second defendant, Kuyeri Family Trust (hereinafter The Trust) is cited in these proceedings on account of the purported interest it has in the major dispute between the plaintiff and the first defendant. More

1. The appeal against conviction having been abandoned at the hearing, this judgment disposes of the appeal against the sentence imposed on each appellant. 2. The appellants were convicted after a protracted trial on a charge of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. Each was sentenced to 48 months imprisonment of which 12 months were suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behavior, to leave an effective sentence of 36 months imprisonment. More

This is an appeal against the Respondent’s decision to dismiss from employment the appellant for having committed acts of misconduct. More

This is an application for condonation and also for leave to appeal this court’s judgement number LC/H/250/19 to the Supreme Court. More

Following the issuance of summons by the plaintiff, the defendant duly filed appearance to defend and subsequently filed an exception in terms of Order 3 r 11 (c) of the High Court Rules. The plaintiff issued summons in which she claims special and general damages. Having referred to a declaration as amplifying the summons, the plaintiff simultaneously filed a declaration that outlines the particulars of claim. Four days before the defendant filed an exception, the plaintiff filed a notice of amendment of the summons and declaration. The defendant’s exception is that the summons is bad at law as it discloses... More

The applicant sought the following relief before this court; 1. That Deed of Transfer 2344/14 dated 16 May 2014 in favour of the fifth respondent be and is hereby cancelled. 2. That mortgage bond number 3021/2016 dated 23 August 2012 in the first respondent’s favour be and is hereby declared null and void ab initio and is therefore cancelled. 3. That the order of this court in HC 9505/12 be and is hereby rescinded. More

The plaintiff instituted proceedings against the defendant on 18 March 2011 seeking contractual damages arising from what she perceived to be an unlawful cancellation of an agreement of sale of a vacant stand entered into between the parties. More

On 24 August 2012 the applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking a provisional order couched in the following: “Interim Relief Pending the return date – 1. The Zimbabwe 2012 edition of the Students In Free Enterprise competition is hereby suspended; and 2. The first respondent is hereby interdicted from performing any act calculated or likely to hinder the applicant’s participation in the 2012 SIFE World Cup scheduled for 23 September 2012.” More

This matter was set down as an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal and stay of execution of an National Employment Council (“NEC”) award which confirmed the dismissal of the Applicant (“employee”) from the Respondent’s (“employer”)’s employment on allegations of contravening the employment Code of Conduct. More

The Appellant was employed by the Respondent. He was arraigned before a Disciplinary Committee on the 17th of May, 2011 to face two charges under the relevant Code of Conduct. He was charged under Section 9.2.4.ii of the Code of Conduct for having absented himself from work without reasonable excuse from 1 to 2 April, 2011 and from 9 to 26 April, 2011. On the second charge under Section 9.2.4.xvi the Appellant was alleged to have wilfully disobeyed a lawful order by a superior in that when asked to write a report on his absence he had refused to do... More

The appellants and two others appeared before the magistrates court and were jointly charged with fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (“the Code”). The latter (Faroza and Chiguware) were discharged at the close of the State’s case. The appellants were acquitted of fraud but convicted on the permissible verdict of theft as defined in s 113 of the Code. The first appellant was sentenced to 48 months imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. A further 18 months imprisonment... More

The plaintiff is resident in the United Kingdom. Sometime in 2003, he telephoned one Simbarashe Sagonda and Thomas Makwangudze, relatives of his, to proceed to view a property that was being offered for sale through the agency of the second defendant. The property, whose description and location in Ruwa was known to the second defendant’s property negotiator, “Nyasha”, is owned by the first defendant who holds freehold title to the land. More