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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant pleaded guilty to and was found guilty of smuggling 150 boxes of pacific cigarettes from Zimbabwe to South Africa. He was sentenced to undergo 3 years imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the customary conditions of future good behaviour. He was to serve an effective sentence of 2 years imprisonment. More

The applicant is a businessman with interests in businesses in Zimbabwe and South Africa. The respondent is the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. He is the Minister responsible for the Administration of the Prevention of Corruption Act [Chapter 9:16] (hereinafter called the Act). On 9 July 2004 he specified the applicant in terms of section 6(1) of the Act. The specification was in terms of section6(1) gazetted in the Government Gazette of the 9th July 2004. The applicant was therefore declared a specified person from that date More

The applicant, a firm of legal practitioners seeks the following order: "Interim Relief Sought 2. Pending the discharge or confirmation of the provisional order: 2.1 The respondent shall cause Robin House, situated in George Silundika Avenue, Harare, to be reopened forthwith. 2.2 The respondent shall ensure that the applicant and its lawful visitors have unrestricted access to Robin House." More

The second and third defendants counter-claimed for the eviction of the plaintiff and all those occupying through her. They also claimed payment of the sum of $10 413 000-00 as holding over damages from the date of transfer of the property into their names up to August 2004 and further, holding over damages at the rate of $1 million per month from September 2004 to date of eviction. More

The circumstances giving rise to these proceedings are these. On 21 August 2002, the parties signed a contract in terms of which Delta Operations (Pvt) Ltd. (“Delta”) would deliver a quantity of barley suitable for use as stock feed to Origen Corporation (Pvt) Ltd (“Origen”) during June and July 2002 and in return Origen would deliver during October 2004 an equivalent quantity of barley suitable for brewing. The relevant provisions of the agreement are these – “1.1 During the month of June and July 2002 Netbrew shall supply to Origen at the Northern Products grain silos in Chinhoyi a quantity... More

This is an application for summary judgement on a summons claiming the following relief: (a) the termination of a lease agreement entered into between the parties on the 1st of December 2003; (b) ejectment of the respondent from the leased premises; (c) payment of arrear rentals; and (d) payment of holding over damages. More

The applicant filed the above application on 9 October 2002, seeking an order restraining the respondents from interfering in the applicant’s relationship with its staff and specifically barring the respondents from representing the interest of its staff in matters affecting conditions of service of its staff. The application was opposed. More