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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an urgent application seeking a final order committing 1st and 2nd respondents to imprisonment for contempt of court. It also seeks to interdict the 3rd and 4th respondents from confiscating the applicants Motor Vehicle being a Mercedes Benz S320 registration No. 825-412L, Chassis No. WDB220652A 114144, Engine No. 11294430690891 and costs of suit.In the interim the applicant seeks an interdict barring 3rd and 4th respondents from interfering or dispossessing the applicant of the said motor vehicle. He further seeks an order for the immediate release of the motor vehicle from seizure in terms of the Customs and Exercise... More

The long and short of the plaintiff’s evidence on the breakdown of the marriage was that the defendant was physically and verbally violent towards her and the children of the marriage, was unfaithful to her and in the process sired a child with another woman during the subsistence of the marriage and in addition, drunk alcohol in excess. She laid the blame for the failure and breakdown of the marriage on the defendant. In her detailed testimony, it emerged that in 1970 she fell pregnant and abandoned training as a nurse at Mpilo Hospital, Bulawayo while in the second year... More

The Applicant is Roy Leslie Bennett, a Member of Parliament, who is presently incarcerated at Mutoko Prison, pursuant to his committal to imprisonment by Parliament, for an effective term of 12 months beginning on the 28th of October 2004. More

The applicant is a Member of Parliament for the Chimanimani constituency. He is currently serving a sentence of 15 months imprisonment with labour of which three months were suspended for a period following his being found guilty of contempt of Parliament on 28 October 2004. More

The accused persons in this matter were charged with attempted robbery of a motor vehicle. They pleaded not guilty but were all convicted after a trial. The first and second accuseds were each sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. The third accused was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 2 years is suspended for 5 years on the usual and appropriate conditions of future good conduct. More

In this case most of the material facts are to a large extent common cause. The undisputed facts are that on the 7th of January 2003 the 1st accused Kudakwashe Taonangwere teamed up with his girlfriend Memory Madhaka and his friend the 2nd accused Tafadzwa Musamba. They proceeded to the Town House Taxi Rank in the city centre. More

In this matter the applicant seeks leave to execute a judgment, it was granted by this court on 17 March, 2005, pending appeal. The circumstances giving rise to these proceedings are that the applicant owns a shop known as Shop 3, Corner 5 South Avenue and Angwa Street, Harare. The applicant was a successor in title to Southern Properties (Pvt) Limited which had entered into an agreement of lease for a one year period from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004. In terms of clause 5 of the agreement the respondent had an option to renew the lease for... More