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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant in this matter seeks an order, inter alia, compelling all the respondents to facilitate and pay for a Pajero motor vehicle which he had ordered through the 4th respondent. The basis of his claim is that he is entitled to acquire the said vehicle through the Members of Parliament Vehicle Loan Scheme which was initiated in 2001 (“the Scheme”) and that the respondents have unlawfully denied him the benefits of that facility. More

The applicant is a body corporate operating in Zimbabwe. The 1st respondent is the executor of the estate of Jeoffry Sakala, who died on the 12th of January 2004. The 1st respondent is legally representing himself in the present proceedings. The 2nd respondent is the Master of the High Court and is cited in his official capacity. More

This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant sought relief in these terms: "Interim Relief Granted First, second and third respondents are:- More

This matter was heard in chambers as an urgent application on the afternoon of the 27th of January 2005. The applicant sought a provisional order interdicting the first respondent from issuing any further shares, whether as a rights issue or otherwise, until the occurrence of certain events. The applicant also sought authority to appoint one or more representatives to participate and vote at any extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”) of the first respondent without interference from the second respondent. Pending finalisation of the matter, the applicant sought interim relief postponing the first respondent’s EGM which was scheduled for 9.00 a.m. on... More

The applicant is a beneficiary under the government land reform programme (Phase (1) Model A2 Scheme. He has produced an offer letter dated 2 October 2003 duly signed by the then Minister of Lands Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Dr J.M. Made the then acquiring authority in terms of which he was offered subdivision 1 of Arden Estate in Zvimba District of Mashonaland west Province. Following the recent Constitutional Amendment number 17 which had the effect of government lawfully acquiring the land in question the applicant was again reoffered the same piece of land by an offer letter dated 10th November... More

This is a provisional sentence matter. On 9 November 2004, the plaintiff issued provisional sentence summons against the defendant, claiming provisional sentence in an amount of $720 428 163.97 (Seven Hundred and Twenty Million Four Hundred and Twenty- Eight Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Three Dollars and Ninety Seven Cents), together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate from 5 April 2004, being the date of demand to date of payment in full. More

The applicant filed a Court Application on 25 February 2005, seeking an order compelling the respondent to surrender to it a lap top computer and accessories and a motor vehicle all fully described in the application. The application was duly served and the respondent filed a notice of opposition out of the time limits prescribed in the rules of this court. Despite notice to the respondent to regularise her papers, nothing was done to uplift the automatic bar against the respondent resulting in the matter being properly set down before me on the unopposed roll. More