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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
“ Heads of argument referred to in subrule (2) shall be filed by the respondent’s legal practitioner not more than ten days after the heads of argument of the applicant or excipient, as the case may be, were delivered to the respondent in terms of subrule (1): Provided that- More

The appellant in this case was convicted by the Magistrate, Gokwe of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm on 19 March 2002. The record of the proceedings shows that the accused pleaded guilty. Following his conviction the appellant was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment of which 9 months imprisonment was suspended on the usual conditions of good behaviour. The appellant applied for bail pending appeal which was granted three days later. He has been out on bail since then. More

The plaintiff in this matter seeks payment of the sum $25 million being damages for pain and suffering and contumelia arising out of an assault she alleges was perpetrated upon her person by members of the Zimbabwe National Army. The defendant denies that members of the defence forces assaulted the plaintiff and consequently denies any liability for any assault the plaintiff may have suffered. More

On 20 January 2006 the 22 year old accused person stole a brown calf belonging to the complainant at Chegate Farm Nyazura. He slaughtered it and consumed all the meat. It was valued at $5 million. More

The first respondent is the surviving spouse and widow of Josia Tungamirai who died in South Africa on 25th August 2005. Pending the acceptance of a will that the decease had drawn up prior to his death, the first respondent was appointed Curator Bonis of his estate. The second and third applicants are the sons of the deceased from unions with other women, although they were brought up by the first respondent and the deceased. More

The plaintiff Mugadziwa issued summons out of this court on 19 May 2004 seeking from the defendant $20 million defamatory damages arising from a misconduct letter written by the defendant, Shoko, which was published to officials in the Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture at Kwekwe, the Provincial Education Director for the Midlands Province in Gweru, the Secretary for Education, Sport and Culture and the Secretary for the Public Service Commission in Harare, interest at the prescribed rate from 1st April 2004 to date of payment and costs of suit. The summons was served on the defendant on 25 June... More

This is an appeal against the mandatory minimum sentence of $374 251 198-00, which was equal to the value of the foreign currency that the appellant dealt in without the approval of the regulatory authority, that was imposed by the Regional Magistrate sitting at Harare on 1 April 2004. This sentence was predicated on her finding that there were no “special reasons”, in this matter, for the imposition of a lesser fine. More