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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused, a judge of the High Court of Zimbabwe, is arraigned before the Court on two main counts and two alternative counts of incitement. More

These two matters are dealt with at the same time because they both raise issues that emanate from the misapplication by the trial courts of the provisions of the Stock Theft Amendment Act 6 of 2004 which came into operation on 27 August 2004. More

On 28 April 2005, the two accused persons were arraigned before the Magistrates Court sitting on circuit at Middle Save. They were charged with the theft of a bovine from the grazing area in Musapingura Village Chief Musikavanhu, Chipinge, which occurred on 20 April 2005. More

The accused is charged with the murder of a farmer, Charles Anderson, on the 2nd of June 2002 at Norfolk Farm, by shooting him in the head with an AK rifle. The accused denies shooting the deceased and states that it was his accomplice, Benedict Makumbe, who shot the deceased. More

The Regional Magistrate for Masvingo Province has referred these two matters to this Court for directions and corrective measures. Both cases involved offences under the Parks and Wild life Act [Chapter 20:14] and were dealt with by the same trial magistrate. In order to address the issues raised by the learned Regional Magistrate, it is necessary to set out the relevant provisions of the Parks and Wildlife Act. More

In this application Tregers Industries (“the applicant”) seeks a refund of the sum of $2,183,861,227-71 paid by its bankers to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (“the respondent”) at the instance and instructions of the respondent. The application is opposed. More

On 30 November 2005 the first respondent- Bell Inn (Pvt) Limited was granted a spoliation order by GOWORA J in the following terms: “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED Pending determination of this matter, applicant is granted the following relief: 1. That 1st respondent is directed to remove himself and property and all persons holding through him from Arden Estate within 24 hours of the date of service of this order. 2. The Deputy Sheriff is authorised to evict 1st respondent and all persons holding through him from the farm. 3. That 1st respondent is interdicted from interfering with applicant’s farming activities. 4.... More