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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Plaintiff in this matter seeks an order directing the first defendant to transfer all rights, title and interest in the subdivided piece of land being portion of stand 132 of Prospect measuring 2350 square metres and an order interdicting first defendant from alienating her rights, title and interest in the said property to any other person than the plaintiff till this matter is determined and costs. More

The plaintiff in this matter, Robson Chapfika, is a businessman and finance consultant. He claims from the defendant, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, specific sums of money sounding in various convertible currencies and equating to circa US$450,000.00, being 10% of the illegally exported amounts that he avers were identified or recovered by dint of his intervention as a so-called whistleblower. The defendant denies the plaintiff’s role in the identification or recovery of these amounts and, in any event, it disputes the legal basis of his claim. More

The applicant is a resident of the City of Harare, a joint owner of stand 285 Mount Pleasant Township 11, of Lot 35 Mount Pleasant, Harare, and a registered voter for an area falling under the City of Harare. He is aggrieved by the 1st respondent’s failure to conduct elections for Councillors and the Mayor for the City of Harare, which he claims were due in August 2006. He seeks an order compelling the 1st respondent to give notice in terms of section 124 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] hereinafter called the Electoral Act, of the holding of elections... More

In terms of an amended summons and declaration filed with the Registrar of this Honourable Court on 17 December 2004, the plaintiff claimed the following amounts from the defendant: a) payment of the sum of $28 445 150.00 b) payment of the sum of $123 647 760 068.00 as on (sic) the 31st October 2004, and further sums of money reckoned from 1st November 2004, computed on the basis of a return on investment on the said sum of $123 647 760 068 on financial instruments with the Zimbabwe Development Bank maturing every (7) days, until payment in full. c)... More

The plaintiff’s claim in this matter, as amended, is for damages in the sum of $2.5 billion as the current market value of the immovable property that was sold to the plaintiff through the defendant. In the alternative, she claims repayment of the purchase price of $220 million paid to the defendant together with interest at varying rates. The defendant denies liability in respect of both main and alternative claims. More

In 1998, the appellant moved onto stand number 1957 Chinamano Extension in Epworth, with the blessings of one Sophia Jera (“Sophia”), the then registered tenant in respect of the property. Subject to the land being subdivided with the consent of the local authority, he would purchase a portion of the land. He paid a certain sum of money to Sophia for such purchase. The exact amount that he paid was in dispute during the trial and it is not important for the purposes of this appeal that we determine its quantum. In making the payment, the appellant believed that he... More

This is an application for absolution of the first defendant from the instance, at the close of the plaintiff’s case. The matter was originally heard as an opposed Court Application. It was then referred to trial, the court having then found that there was a dispute of fact which could not be resolved on the papers without oral evidence being presented to the court. More