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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff filed summons with this court on 4 October 2006 against the defendant claiming the following relief: a) $15 000 000 being damages for the failure to execute its mandate resulting in the loss of Stand No 5609 New St Mary’s Township Chitungwiza. b) interest on $15 000 000 from the date of judgment to the date of full payment. c) costs of suit. More

This is a matter in which the plaintiff left his motor vehicle for repairs with the 1st defendant in August 2004. When the vehicle was returned to the plaintiff in June 2005, its milometer reflected mileage which the plaintiff considered to be excessive. The matter was reported to the police and the second defendant was charged with the offence of using a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent in contravention of section 57(1)(e) of the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11]. The second defendant was then placed on remand awaiting trial. More

On 1 February 2006 the applicant herein sought and was granted under a certificate of urgency the following interim relief: More

Applicant seeks an order, on by way of review, firstly, setting aside the appointment of the second respondent, his step-mother, and widow of the late Petros Peter Katsande, as executrix dative in the estate of the late Petros Peter Katsande. Secondly he seeks an order appointing a professional person to the office of executor in the estate of the late Petros Peter Katsande. More

The applicant seeks an order in the following terms: “1. That the High Court Order of divorce in case No HC 9097/99 dated 23 May 2001 be and is hereby varied by the deletion of paragraph 2 and the substitution in its place of the following: 2. That plaintiff shall be sole guardian and sole custodian of the minor child Tina Erasmus (born on 10 February 1999)” The application is opposed. More

This application involves the interpretation and effect of two agreements that were executed by the Ashanti Goldfields Zimbabwe Limited (“Ashanti”) with the applicant. The applicant seeks the transfer of Stand number 591 Waterbury Crescent Bindura from Ashanti and costs of suit. It is opposed. More

On 31 May 2007, after hearing counsel, I dismissed this application and indicated that my reasons would follow later. More