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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The defendant was employed by Dairiboard Zimbabwe Limited. On 1st January 1998 he was seconded to the plaintiff as a Finance Manager and Company Secretary for a period of two years, subject to annual review by the plaintiff’s managing director. Apart from the question of remuneration due to the defendant, the contract of assignment also provided for the defendant to be provided with a vehicle as part of his remuneration package with the plaintiff. The plaintiff has now instituted proceedings against the defendant for the recovery of monies it states are due in respect of that vehicle. The parties agreed... More

The plaintiff instituted divorce proceedings in February 2004, claiming for the granting of the divorce and an order allowing each party to retain his or her assets currently in their respective possessions. More

The plaintiff company (“lessor”) filed summons out of this court on 14 June 2006 seeking the eviction of the defendants (“lessee”), who are husband and wife, from subdivision D of Derbyshire Farm (“the farm”), holding over damages from the date of summons to the date of eviction and costs of suit. The defendants filed their plea and counterclaim on 12 December 2006. In the plea they sought the dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim with costs. In the counterclaim they sought an order of specific performance on payment of $400 000.00 (revalued) plus interest thereon at the prescribed rate from 29... More

In this application there is no material dispute of facts. The undisputed facts are that the applicant is an engineering company whereas the 1st respondent is a bus operator carrying on business under the style of Jimmy Jimalo Luxury Tours. More

This application raises a question which has presented itself in a number of matters in recent months. It raises the issue of guardianship rights and the circumstances under which a parent may be divested of such rights. More

The plaintiff in this case is a farmer by vocation and he also happens to be a prophet. He claims payment in the sum of $4.5 million (revalued) as damages for defamation ($2.5 million) and damages for unlawful arrest and detention ($2 million). More

This matter came before me in motion court as an application for default judgment in terms of Rule 58 of the High Court Rules 1971. More