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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant sought the following relief by way of urgent chamber application, that: “1 The Second Respondent and all those holding occupation under him be and are hereby interdicted and prevented from in any manner whatsoever; a) Interfering with the Applicants’ (sic) normal farming operations on Mwonga Farm including the grading, baling and selling of tobacco; b) Interfering with the Applicants’ (sic) manager, workers and invitees rights of access to the farm and all improvements, facilities and residences thereon; c) Interfering with the Applicants’ (sic) intention and conduct in using, moving or dealing with its equipment as it deems fit... More

The plaintiff sued the defendant claiming $4 777 070 388-00 (old currency) for loss of profits suffered by the plaintiff with interest at the prescribed rate from the date of summons to date of final payment. The defendant denied liability for any loss the plaintiff may have suffered as alleged in the plaintiff’s summons and declaration. More

Thirty one bags of sugar soured the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant to such an extent that on 11 April 2007, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming delivery of the thirty one bags or alternatively, payment of the market value of the sugar as at the date of judgment, together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate from the date of the failed delivery to date of payment in full and costs of suit. The facts leading to this suit are largely common cause. More

The second applicant is a well known and I might venture to say, renowned gospel artist in Zimbabwe. The first applicant is a recording company. From the papers, it is apparent, that for the performance which is the subject matter of this dispute the first applicant was contracted to arrange the recording of Charamba’s live show. It seems that the respondent is also in the business of recording live shows and producing from such DVD’s and video recordings. I have not been advised as such in specific terms but this my opinion based on the nature of the contract for... More

This is an application for summary judgment. The background to the matter is that on 28 November 2005, the applicant (then the plaintiff) issued summons under case number HC 6208/05. The applicant claimed payment of the sum of $10 208 059-35 (revalued) owing in terms of an acknowledgement of debt dated 16 November 2005, interest at the prescribed rate from 11 November 2005 to date of receipt of payment and costs of suit. On 6 February 2006, the respondent (then the defendant) entered an appearance to defend. After having requested for further particulars, and further and better particulars which were... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants described herein for defamation damages in the sum of $ 500 000 000-00. In the declaration which is attached to the summons the defendants are described in the following terms: “2 (a) The first defendant is the Editor of the Herald Newspaper. (b)The second defendant is the Owner, Publisher of the Herald Newspaper, the Distributor of the Herald Newspaper and the Printer of the Herald Newspaper all of Herald House, Corner Second Street/George Silundika Avenue, Harare”. More

The applicant in this matter filed this application seeking the following relief: “1. The respondent effect payment of the children’s school fees and all school expenses inclusive of the cost of school uniforms, school equipment and sporting equipment and all extra mural activities. 2. Respondent effect payment of US$150.00 by way of rental for the immovable property occupied by Applicant and the minor children. 3. Respondent effect payment of all medical aid subscriptions in respect of the children in Zimbabwe and medical shortfalls and ensure that the children are members of the BUPA Medical Aid Scheme. 4. Respondent effect payment... More