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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
As its name suggests, the applicant is a diamond mining company, carrying out its mining activities in Zvishavane. Its registered offices are in Harare. More

The plaintiff herein is a former director of the defendant which is listed as a public company. The plaintiff’s claim, as amended, is for the transfer to him of 3,625,000 ordinary paid up shares in the defendant company (Innscor). In the alternative, he claims payment of the market value of such shares as at the date of judgement. More

The first applicant is a housing cooperative, duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The remaining applicants have not been described in the papers before me but appear to be housing cooperatives as well. More

The applicant in this matter was seeking a declaratur in the following terms: “It is declared and ordered that: 1. The reappointment of the commission running the affairs of the City of Harare to serve a fourth term was unlawful, null, void and of no force and effect. 2. The appointment of an inquiring committee to inquire into the suspension of the applicant by the said commission was unlawful, null, void and of no force and effect. 3. The first respondent is not, at law, a Mayor of Harare and cannot, consequently, lawfully discharge any of the functions and exercise... More

The applicant is a former Chief Executive of First Mutual Limited. First Mutual Society was an insurance company offering products associated with life insurance and the provision of pension benefits and investments. Some time ago it undertook a demutualization process as a result of which shares were offered to members of the general public on 17 November 2003. As a result of the demutualization a limited liability company came into being as First Mutual Limited (FML). It was decided within FML itself that in order to motivate staff to perform better a certain percentage of the shares should be availed... More

The plaintiff is the owner of certain business premises at Chisipite Shopping Centre called Lot 11 Chisipte Township Hindhead Avenue, Chisipte. In terms of a written agreement, the plaintiff leased the premises to Décor and Design in or about 1996. In March 1998, Décor and Design ceded its rights and obligations under the lease to the defendant. More

On 22 June 2005 the legal practitioners for the plaintiff instituted summons against the defendant wherein the plaintiff sought delivery of two Nissan motor vehicles, one a 2,4 litre double cab, the other being a 3 litre double cab. In para 2 of the declaration, there is no para 1, despite the heading on the summons and on the declaration itself, the plaintiff is stated as being Old Mutual Properties (Pvt) Ltd. The summons was served on the defendant who entered an appearance to defend the action. Various pleadings were then filed by the parties and the name of the... More