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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to execute pending appeal. On 13 September 2006, this court issued a judgment in favour of the applicant. In the judgment, the court ordered the respondent to pay the applicant the sum of $121.52 together with interest thereon at 30 % p.a reckoned from 9 October 2003 to date of payment and the sum of R201 750-08 together with interest thereon at the rate applicable in South African law, also reckoned from 9 October 2003 to date of payment in full. The court also made an award of costs against the respondent. Dissatisfied with... More

The plaintiff issued summons on 22 September 2005 claiming; (a) payment of the sum of $3 912 125 000,00 by the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved, being accident damages negligently caused to him by 1st defendant; an employee of the 2nd defendant in the course and scope of his employment; (b) Interest on the principal amount at 30% per annum from date of accident to date of full payment; and (c) Costs of suit. More

I was assigned from the Supreme Court to the High Court specifically to hear this matter. The trial was conducted over a period of two days, at the end of which it was agreed between the parties that the parties would prepare their written submissions and submit them by certain specified dates. The deadlines were not all met, a circumstance that contributed to the delay in the preparation and handing down of this judgment. More

The plaintiff sued the defendant for adultery damages in the sum of $60 000 000-00 (old currency). The claim was amended to $5 000 000-00 (revalued) before the commencement of trial. More

This matter came before me as a stated case for argument. After hearing the parties I granted the order sought and indicated that my reasons would follow. I now set them out. On 23 November 2000, the plaintiff issued summons seeking the ejectment of the defendant from certain residential property whose street name is no 509 ULC Area 13 Dangamvura Township, Mutare. The claim for ejectment was resisted by the second defendant. More

The plaintiff company seeks the eviction of the defendant from 5 Windermere Road Strathaven in Harare (“the property”), holding over damages and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

The plaintiff instituted proceedings against the defendant wherein he claimed the following:- a decree of divorce, and as ancillary relief thereto, custody of the two minor children of the union and an equitable distribution of the assets which constituted the matrimonial estate. When the matter was brought before a judge in chambers for a pre-trial conference the parties made some accommodation on some of the contentious issues to the dispute. The question of the custody of the minor children and their upkeep was resolved between the parties. They also shared out the matrimonial estate which consisted of both movable and... More