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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP). On 20 April 2005 he appeared in the magistrates court charged with the crime of contravening s 3(a)(i) of the Prevention of Corruption Act [Cap 9:16]. He was duly convicted and sentenced on 22 September 2005 to 24 months imprisonment of which 6 months were suspended for 5 years on conditions of good behavior. In October 2005 he appealed to the High Court against both conviction and sentence. The actual date of filing the appeal is not reflected on the notice of appeal filed of record. What is clear... More

The applicant is a public company incorporated in terms of the Company laws of Zimbabwe and is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. It has shares in the 6th respondent. It filed an urgent chamber application to this court seeking orders to regulate the holding of an extraordinary general meeting of the 6th respondent’s shareholders convened by the 1st to the 5th respondents. At the hearing of the application, it applied to amend, its draft order by seeking a declaration that the convening of the extra ordinary general meeting, by the 1st to the 5th respondents is in terms of... More

The cause of action in this case arises out of an alleged breach of contract by the defendant for the supply of 20 IBM A50 desktop computers (computers) to the plaintiff. The plaintiff is suing the defendant for specific performance or payment of damages in lieu thereof. More

Applicant in this matter seeks an order of stay of proceedings against him in the General Courts Martial of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces in the following terms: “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED:- Pending determination of this matter the applicant is granted the following relief; “1. The respondents be and are hereby barred from proceeding with the Court Martial of the applicant on 7 December 2007 or any date thereafter until this matter is finalised on the return date hereon.” The relief sought in the final order was basically the same as the above save that the applicants sought to attach procedural conditions... More

The plaintiff sought an order for the eviction of the defendant, and all those claiming occupation through him, from House No 1489 Mushambi Road, Chiwaridzo, Bindura (the property) and costs of suit. More

The applicant and the first respondent are brother and sister. The deceased was their sister. She died on 24 July 2004 at the age of 61. The deceased was single and did not have any children of her own. Following her death a will was duly filed with the master on 24 September 2004 and was duly accepted as the will of the deceased. The first respondent was appointed executor in accordance with the will. In terms of the will the first respondent was appointed the sole beneficiary of the deceased estate. The applicant has filed this application seeking an... More

The parties are parents to three minor children, two daughters and a son. They were divorced by an order of this court under case no HC 9397/05. In terms of the order of this court divorcing the parties, matters relating to the custody, access to and maintenance of the minor children were to be governed by the provisions of a consent paper entered into by the parties prior to the granting of the divorce. In terms of the consent paper, custody was awarded to the respondent. More