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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
: On 29 March 2008, the harmonised presidential, parliamentary and council elections were held in Zimbabwe. The petitioner stood as the candidate on behalf of Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) ‘ZANU PF’ for the House of Assembly seat in the constituency of Southerton. Gift Chimanikire the first respondent representing the Movement for Democratic Change ‘MDC’ contested the seat. The elections were conducted and supervised by the second respondent. On 30 March, 2008 the first respondent was declared the winner of the seat. Dissatisfied with the prevailing environment at the time as well as with the manner the election was... More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 13 March 2006 claiming a decree of divorce and division of the parties’ matrimonial assets. More

The plaintiff owns premises which are being rented by the defendant. The plaintiff is a company dully incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. Its shareholding has changed by virtue of its majority shareholders selling their shares to Regimos Paints the current majority shareholder. More

this is an application for a provisional order by the applicant in the following terms:- “TERMS OF TIMBER OF THE ORDER SOUGHT AND GRANTED Pending the finalization of this matter: 1. The sixth and seventh respondents or anybody claiming through them be and I hereby interdicted from processing or acting upon the affidavit of resignation filed and signed by the applicant on 5 July 2008 at Nyamaropa. 2. The first, third, fourth and fifth respondents and anybody claiming through them be and are hereby interdicted from harassing, intimidating, assault and applying unlawful pressure or his lawful agents with the aim... More

On 27 September 2006 the plaintiff wife sued her husband for divorce and other ancillary relief out of this court. He contested the suit and counter claimed for divorce but with different ancillary relief. More

The issue for determination in casu is whether or not service of a petition on respondent’s legal practitioner is proper service in terms of the Electoral Act [Cap 2:13] (“the Act”). I want to quickly state that an affirmative answer to the issue raised depends on whether or not there is clear evidence that the respondent chose that course. More

All the five petitioners filed petitions challenging the results in the elections held on 29 March 2008. The petitions were presented and lodged with the Registrar of the Electoral Court (the Registrar) on 14 April 2008 in terms of section 168 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] (the Act). More