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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant leases certain commercial premises from the first respondent. He has been a tenant of the first respondent since 1998. Then, the relationship between the parties was regulated by an oral lease agreement. In 2005, the parties entered into a written lease in respect of the same premises. More

Section 169 of the Election Act [Cap 2:13] (“the Act”) provides as follows: “Notice in writing of the presentation of a petition and of the names and addresses of the proposed sureties, accompanied by a copy of the petition, shall, within ten days after the presentation of the petition, be served by the petitioner on the respondent either personally or by leaving the same at his or her usual or last known dwelling or place of business”. In the above matters service in some cases was either effected after the expiration of the ten days at respondent’s Party Headquarters or... More

The applicant was employed by the first respondent as its Managing Director. The second to fourth respondent were colleagues and fellow employees of the first respondent, being the chief Executive Officer, Production Director and Human Resources Director respectively. On 23 July, 2008, certain allegations of a criminal nature were made against the applicant by his colleagues. The applicant was taken by the police and whilst in custody, the respondents gained access to his computer and transferred therefrom a number of files and information onto their computers. This they did after “cracking” the applicant’s password and rendering it dysfunctional in the... More

This trial is concerned with the identification of the correct house between two of the three houses that are eligible to ascend to the Nyajina Chieftainship of the vaZumba clan in the Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe district of Mashonaland East province of Zimbabwe. More

The plaintiff’s claim as amended is for: “Transfer of subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 310 Block B Hatfield Estate upon payment to the defendants of the balance of the purchase price being the sum of $50 million. Alternatively, damages in the sum of the purchase price of 2000 square meters of land in the same locality as Hatfield, as at the date of judgment.” The plaintiff’s claim emanates from an agreement of sale that was executed on 14 May 2004. The agreement reflects that it was executed by and between Ndoda Hondo and the plaintiff. It reflects that Ndoda... More

This matter was placed before me under a certificate of urgency on 17 January 2008. I gave directions that it be heard the following day as I deemed it appropriate that the rules of court be dispensed with in the interests of achieving justice in this particular matter. At the hearing Mr Takaendesa, for first respondent, raised two procedural points in limine regarding the lack of appropriate certification of urgency on behalf of the applicants. His second point was that the applicants ought to have anticipated the rule nisi rather than approach this court through the Chamber Book. More

This matter was filed in this court by way of urgent chamber application on 4 February 2008. After hearing the matter I dismissed the application without giving reasons. These are the reasons for my decision. The applicants were seeking the following interim relief: More