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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for review of the Master of the High Court’s decision which was made on 12 October 2005. The applicants cited two grounds for review. Firstly, they submitted that the decision was grossly irregular in that it failed to recognize and uphold the clear intention of the deceased from the document purported to be his will. Secondly, the applicant submitted that the decision rejecting the will was grossly unreasonable. More

In April 2007, the plaintiff issues summons against the defendant claiming the sum of $55 979 315-00, being the replacement value of the hydraulic pipes and fittings. The suit was defended. More

This dispute concerns immovable deceased estate property. Plaintiff is the executor in the estate of her late father Isaac Musarara. Isaac Musarara died on 20 January 1993 at Mazowe. He is survived by his wife and five children. He owned immovable property situated at number 1, 39th Crescent, Warren Part 1, Harare. At the time of his death he leased out this property as he resided in the communal lands. The deceased’s brothers agreed that Lovemore Musarara, deceased’s younger brother supervised this immovable property and generally the deceased’s affairs. In the course of this supervision Lovemore Musarara obtained letters of... More

On 29 March 2008, the harmonised presidential, parliamentary and council elections were held in Zimbabwe. The petitioner stood as the candidate on behalf of Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) ‘ZANU PF’ for the House of Assembly seat in the constituency of Mbare. The first respondent contested the seat on behalf of the Movement for Democratic Change ‘MDC’. The second respondent was responsible to conduct and supervise the polls. On 30 March, 2008 the first respondent was declared the winner of the seat. More

The cause of action in casu is one of unjust enrichment and arises from the following facts: The defendant, who is an importer of goods for sale in Zimbabwe, depends on authorised dealers for the requisite foreign currency in his business. On 21 March 2001 the defendant instructed the plaintiff, an authorised dealer, to effect payment of ZAR372 062-80 to its supplier, namely Kimberley Clark of South Africa (Pty) Limited (Kimberley). The plaintiff, through a telegraphic transfer, effected the said payment on 4 April 2001. More

The facts in this mater are that on 30 August 2008, the National Incomes and Pricing Commission (the Commission) issued, in The Herald, a schedule of school fees that it had fixed for the schools identified in that schedule. The schedule was accompanied by a statement by the 1st respondent that the flouting of the fixed fees would result in the prosecution of school heads and cashiers. Fearing the arrest of school heads and cashiers at the instance of the respondents, and the disruption of operations of schools as a result of the arrests, the applicant filed this urgent chamber... More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the decision of the magistrates’ court to acquit the respondent at the close of the State case. More