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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused was charged with the crime of contravening s 47(1)(B) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] in that on 25 April 2007 at 19h00 she unlawfully picked up a knife and stabbed Stewart Pilate Mhlanga twice with the knife once on the left side of the chest and once on the neck resulting in the death of the deceased. She pleaded not guilty. The summary of the State’s case indicated that the State would rely on evidence of at least ten witnesses. However at the commencement of proceedings counsel of the State the defence agreed... More

The accused was charged with the crime of being found in possession of property reasonably suspected to have been stolen as defined by section 125(a) of The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23]. More

The accused person, Norman Gwande was jointly charged with one Tafanana Dangarembizi on a charge of Stock Theft as defined by s.114 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [cap: 9:23](”Criminal code”). More

This is an opposed application for summary judgment wherein the applicant prays for judgment in the sum of US$1 514 762-20. It is common cause that following a credit facility agreement dated 22 April 2004, the applicant offered the respondent an offshore loan facility of US$1 514 762-20. More

On 15 December 2006, the appellant appeared before the Magistrates’ Court at Mutare facing one count of contravening section 3 of the Precious Stones Act [Chapter 21.06]. She was found in possession of 157 diamonds, valued at $ 1 669 760-00. She pleaded guilty to the charge and was duly convicted and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with1 year suspended on conditions. The diamonds were forfeited to the State. The appellant noted an appeal to this court against both conviction and the sentence. At the hearing of the appeal, Mr Mukome for the appellant abandoned the appeal against conviction. We... More

At the management meeting held on 21 May 2005, four preliminary issues were referred to trial. These were whether or not the petition was served on time; whether there was proper service on the second respondent; whether security for costs was provided and whether or not the 2nd respondent was properly joined to the petition. At the hearing, on noticing that the petition had been lodged with the Registrar of this Court on 15 April 2008, I raised the further issue of whether it was presented within the time limits set out in section 168 (2) of the Electoral Act... More

On 11 July 2008, Vimbai Chidavaenzi, (“Vimbai”), appeared before the magistrates’ court, to answer to a charge of contravening section 4 of the Shop Licences Act [Chapter 14.17]. It was alleged in the charge sheet that from January 2008, the accused unlawfully conducted the business of selling goods at number 18 Lyton Road, Harare without a valid shop licence. It is not clear on the record in what capacity Vimbai appeared before the trial court. I say so because while her name was typed on the charge sheet as the accused person, the trial magistrate endorsed the name “Karima Investments”... More