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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant sought an order in the following terms: “1. That the Respondent be and is hereby directed to refund Applicant within seven days of the date of this order the sum recovered from the Applicant’s Value Added Tax refund on the 20th December 2005 (sic) of $5 450 939 769.71. 2. The Respondent shall pay interest to the Applicant on the sum recovered from the Value Added Refund (sic) on the 20th December 2005 (sic) in the sum of $5 450 939 769.71 at the prescribed rate of interest from 20 December 2005 to the date of payment in... More

The petitioner was the ZANU (PF) Parliamentary candidate for the Zaka North House of Assembly Constituency in the harmonized general elections held on 29 March 2008. The first respondent was the MDC-Tsvangirai candidate in the aforesaid elections. He resides at number 7453 Tsvoritsvoto Street Chesvingo, Masvingo. The second respondent is a constitutional body responsible for the running of the elections. More

The parties herein were formerly husband and wife. Two minor children were born from the union, namely Anthony Christie Pissas (born 8th March 1994) and Dean Alexander Pissas (born 13th October 1995). On 2 November 2006 this Honourable Court granted a decree of divorce in favour of the respondent herein. The respondent was awarded custody of the minor children. Prior to the decree of divorce being granted the parties had entered into a Consent Paper in terms of which other ancillary relief was provided for. More

The petitioner contested for and lost the Mhondoro- Mubaira constituency. He represented the Movement for Democratic Change (Tsvangirai faction), in the 29 March 2008 harmonised elections. He contested against the respondent who represented Zanu (PF). The respondent won the election. The petitioner filed a petition challenging the respondent’s election. He presented it on 14 April 2008, but served it at the respondent’s party headquarters on 9 May 2008. More

The applicant brought this application for a declaratory order purportedly in terms of sections 13 and 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7: 06] alternatively in terms of section 4 of the Administrative Justice Act [Chapter 10: 28]. More

The petitioner and the first respondent were contestants for the Bindura South house of assembly constituency in the March 29 harmonised elections. The petitioner was ZANU (PF’s) candidate. The first respondent was MDC Tsvangirai’s candidate. The first respondent won the election. The petitioner is challenging the first respondent’s election. The second respondent was responsible for the running of the elections and is being sued in that capacity. At the hearing of the preliminary issues the petitioner withdrew against the second respondent. I will therefore refer to the first respondent as the respondent as he is now the only respondent in... More

The applicants, in a founding affidavit deposed to by the first applicant and to which the other nine have confirmed themselves to be party to the averments contained therein, allege that they are members of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Zimbabwe. In an opposing affidavit deposed to by the first respondents, all respondents have challenged the membership of a number of the applicants. More