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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the magistrate’s ruling sitting at Kadoma dismissing the appellant’s application for rescission of judgment on 15 December 2008. The respondent Farai Ngorima is the registered owner of a certain piece of immovable property known as house number 3795 Ingezi Township Kadoma. He purchased the house from the late Monica Ruvimbo Dzinamarira on 7 March 2007 for $27 000 000-00. The property was registered in his name on 17 April 2007 under deed of transfer 000198/007 with the seller acknowledging that the whole of the purchase price had been paid. More

The applicant and the first respondent entered into an agreement of sale in respect of a 4.2% undivided share, being share number E 8 and 90.15% undivided share being share number J 4 of a certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury called the Remaining Extent of stand 759 A Greystone Township (“the property”). This was sometime in July 2004. More

MAKONI J: The applicant and 3 of his accomplices appeared before a Magistrate charged with murder. The brief facts of the matter are that the applicant and his accomplices approached Gletwin farm in Chishawasha armed with pistols and with two get away cars. They disarmed the two guards who were by the gate by tying them with shoe laces and bag handles. They also handcuffed a guard who was in the chicken run. They also assaulted him. The guard screamed and one Edson Manembe who was guarding the storeroom heard the screams. As he approached the chicken run, armed with... More

Judges are public servants and as such they are not to complain about what lands on their plates. They must do justice always no matter the state of the case that is placed before them. I must however confess that the above matter is a dog’s breakfast. The parties have been to this court on at least five occasions and may have appeared before the magistrate courts once or twice before. The dispute between them has not been put to rest up to now and I now have to unravel the orders and counter-orders that this court has given on... More

This application arises from the judgment of my sister MAKARAU JP (as she then was) delivered on 21 November 2007 under case number HC 6844/06 (Judgment HH 81/2007). The applicants sought and were granted an order that certain immovable property, namely, stand 658, of Quinington Township of Subdivision 6 of Quinington of Borrowdale be transferred to themselves pursuant to a contract of sale entered into between them and the respondent. More

Plaintiff issued summons in which she sought a decree of divorce, custody and maintenance in respect of their minor child, a division of matrimonial assets and an order that defendant be ordered to purchase 63 120 First Mutual shares or alternatively pay their equivalent value and costs of suit. More

In this application the relief sought is as follows: “It is ordered that: 1. The applicants be and are hereby restored to full occupation of Stand Number 57 Borrowdale Township 6 of Lot 7b of Borrowdale, also known as number 9 Hunt Road Borrowdale within five (5) days of granting of this order. More