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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant seeks an order for the rescission of a default judgment entered against it on 1 April 2009. More

This is an application for a spoliation order and an interdict in which second applicant claims that he and his family was summarily evicted from the remainder of Manda Estate A by a mob that was acting at the behest of second respondent. Subsequent to hearing the application I granted the application for spoliation only and indicated that my reasons would be furnished later. These are they. More

The applicant herein is the registered owner of an immovable property located at 40 Josiah Tongogara Avenue, Harare. On 28 September 2004 in terms of a written agreement, the applicant let the premises to the first respondent for a period of one year with effect from 1 September 2004 to 31 August 2005. Certain differences have arisen between the parties and the applicant has approached this court on motion for an order for the eviction of the first respondent and all those claiming through it from the premises. The second respondent entered into a surety ship agreement with the applicant... More

The plaintiff issued summons for the ejectment of the defendant from House No. 14 Msasa Park Drive, Msasa Park, Harare. The basis of the plaintiff’s claim is that he is the sole owner of the immovable property. He avers that upon the termination of an unregistered union between him and the defendant, the defendant who had resided at the said premises during the subsistence of and on the basis of the unregistered customary union, refused to vacate the plaintiff’s house and remains in unlawful occupation thereof. More

In this matter the applicants all employees of the respondent company had a grievance concerning non payment of wages. The parties went for arbitration and an award was made in favour of the applicants on 14 November 2010. More

In this application applicants are seeking relief to the effect that- “1. The allocation and transfer of house no. 20 Creil Road, Southdowns, Gweru to 2nd Respondent under deed of transfer No. 2050/00 be and is hereby declared null and void. 2. House No. 20 Creil Road, Southdowns, Gweru be and is hereby transferred to the Estate Late Rginald Tswakai Griffin Salila. 3. The Executor Dative proceed to draft and lodge the First and Final Administration Account and Distribution Plan in the Estate Late Reginald Tswakai Griffin Salila forthwith. 4. There be no order as to costs.” More

On 2 September 2007 the first applicant, acting as a trustee for a company about to be formed entered into an agreement with one Marie Louise Morris in respect of the sale of an immovable property belonging to the latter. The sale was successfully concluded by the parties thereto. The purchaser of the property was not specifically identified and was referred to as Ian Spence Gray acting as trustee for a company about to be formed. It is common cause that the second applicant was incorporated as a company under the laws of this country on 8 November 2007. The... More