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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
All of the three cases dealt with in this review involve the appointment of guardians to minor children by the same Provincial Magistrate in September and October 2009. Following jurisdictional queries raised in January 2010, the learned magistrate eventually responded on the 22nd of September 2010. There is no explanation for his inordinate delay in responding. More

Mr Hungwe of Messrs Hungwe and Partners legal Practitioners, Harare is the duly appointed executor in the above referred estate. The executor has been involved with this estate from 2005 up until now. Counsel has yet to draw up the final estate account. It is noted that this estate has been quite involving as it necessitated quite some protracted litigation in order to trace and fully account for some of the state assets. More

This is an application for the rescission of a judgment of my own that I gave on 24 September 2009 in favour of the applicant’s regarding the legality of the registration of various mining claims in the names of the applicants. It is important that I set out the order which I gave then and what thereafter occurred leading to the present proceedings. More

The applicant herein seeks the following relief:- “1. That the respondents and all persons claiming occupation through them be and are hereby directed forthwith to vacate the property known as Greenhills Farm situate at the PrimaFlora farming operation in Tynwald, together with all their goods and chattels, and failing which the Deputy Sheriff together with such officers of the Zimbabwe Republic Police as he may require shall eject the respondents aforesaid together with all persons claiming occupation through them from the said premises. 2. That the respondents shall bear the costs of this application and all coats of the Deputy... More

The parties to this case are embroiled in a contractual dispute. Basically the allegations against the respondent are that he has taken control of farming operations at Inyanga Downs Orchards without the consent of other directors. In its amended draft order the applicant is seeking the restoration of the status quo ante. At the hearing of this application counsel for the respondent raised some points in limine. More

This is an application for the registration of an award issued in favour of the applicants under the Labour Act on 30 March 2010. The registration is sought in terms of s 98 (14) of the Labour Act [Cap 2801] (“the Act”). The respondent opposes the granting of the relief being sought. More

This is an application for stay of execution following the attachment of the applicant’s property in fulfillment of a consent order granted by this court on 16 February 2010. More