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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
A brief resume of the broadly common facts in this case are as follows:- The plaintiff is a citizen of Zimbabwe residing in this country and was the registered owner of a toyota hiace bearing registration number AAZ 7054 (the vehicle). More

The plaintiff instituted action for divorce and ancillary relief. The parties married under customary law in 1991. The marriage was later solemnized under the Marriages Act in 1997. There are parties two minor children one of whom is now a major. More

This application was argued before me on 16 July which was the return day of a provisional order granted on 4 May 2009. Although the first respondent was at the initial hearing he did not appear on the return day. He had filed opposing papers as well as heads of argument even though he was not legally represented. Mr Gutu who appeared for the second respondent, the Minister and insisted on the matter being heard on the merits and seemed not to be alive to the absence of the first respondent and the prejudice that would ensue to the latter... More

This is an application for contempt of court. The background to this application is that the applicants were the owners of Disi Farm (the farm). The farm has since been acquired by the state. The respondent was issued with an offer letter for subdivision 7 (Plot 7) of the farm by the minister responsible for land resettlement on 24 June 2008. When he moved onto the plot, he locked the tobacco grading shed, the irrigation pump station and borehole thereby denying the applicants access to the infrastructure. The applicants approached this court and on 18 August 2008, successfully obtained, in... More

The applicants in this matter are all duly elected Members of Parliament. The 1st respondent is the Clerk of Parliament, cited herein in his official capacity. The 2nd respondent was elected to the position of Speaker of the House of Assembly on the 25th of August 2008. More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court seeking the setting aside of an agreement of sale relating to stand number 32 Manga Street New Mabvuku entered into between the first and second defendants, nullification of the cession of the property from the estate of the Late Vito Bhero to the first defendant and costs. When this matter commenced before this court it was by way of court application. This court in its judgment of 26 April 2006 ordered that the matter be referred to trial so that the parties could fully ventilate the issues between them. More

After hearing the parties in this matter we dismissed the appeal against conviction and sentence in count 1 in its entirety and allowed the appeal against sentence in count 2. The following are our reasons for doing so. The appellant, who is a Police officer, was charged with firstly defeating or obstructing the course of justice and secondly, malicious injury to property. He pleaded not guilty to both counts but was convicted after a trial. He was sentenced on the first count to 18 months imprisonment of which 9 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition of future... More