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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 7 April 2010 the plaintiff herein issued summons against the defendants, jointly and severally claiming an amount of USD$364 434-00. The defendants duly entered appearance to defend the summons and filed a plea in their defence. The plaintiff has now approached this court for an order for summary judgment in the amount claimed on the basis that the defendants do not have a defence to the claim and that they have merely entered appearance for purposes of delay. More

The applicant is charged with armed robbery on five counts. He is currently on trial at the Magistrates Court, Harare. The applicant is a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He is aged 28 and resides at 1207 Muzikanwi Street, Dzivarasekwa, Harare. His co-accused, Samson Chigwende, is a member of the Police Special Constabulary in Dzivarasekwa, Harare. He is also aged 28. He resides at 7802 Tynwald South and works for ZESA. More

This matter was referred to me in chambers in terms of the provisions of Order 38, Rule 313 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The basic background is as follows:- More

The plaintiff, a former financial director of the defendant company, filed summons on 8 July 2009 seeking payment of the capital sum of US$72 334-00 and interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the date when the amount fell due to the date of the issue of summons in the sum of US$12 658-00, payment of interest on the capital amount at the rate of 10% from the date of the issue of summons to the date of payment in full and costs of suit. The defendant contested the matter. More

In this matter the applicant sought on an urgent basis an order for stay of execution of a judgment granted in favour of the respondent by this honourable court under case number HC 510/10. I dismissed the application with costs on the legal practitioner and client scale and indicated then that my reasons for doing so would follow. These are they. More

The applicant is an ex-policeman previously attached to the anti-stock theft unit at Marondera. During the period extending from May to 28 October 2009 he together with three others are alleged to have stolen forty-eight herd of cattle from the complainant. He has since been convicted of stock theft and sentenced to twenty five years imprisonment. More

The plaintiffs herein claim provisional sentence founded on an Agreement of Settlement (the Agreement) concluded between the parties on the 22nd of July 2008 followed by an Acknowledgement of Debt (the Acknowledgement) signed on the 15th of November 2008. The total claim is for the sum of US$90,000 together with interest thereon at the rate of 20% per annum calculated from the due date of the 14th of December 2008. The defendant resists the claim on various grounds relating to the nature and correctness of the capital sum claimed under the Agreement, the application of the in duplum rule, the... More