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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant is in remand prison on allegations of armed robbery as defined in section 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Cap 9:23]. The applicant acting in consort and common purpose with 4 others is alleged to have robbed ZB Bank at gun point on 18 March 2010. He is alleged to have supplied the firearm that was used in the robbery. The gang using force and violence then stole USD114 724-00, ZAR14 332-00, one pistol and six cell phones More

At the hearing of this opposed matter a point in limine was raised, namely that the matter had, by order of this court under case number HC 1920/08, been dismissed for want of prosecution. More

The facts of this matter are largely common cause. I set them out as follows. On 27 March 2009, the applicant and the first respondent entered into a written agreement of sale in terms of which the applicant sold to the first respondent certain immovable property fully described as Stand 2902 Bluff Hill Township of Bluff Hill Township measuring 3738 square metres, for the sum of US$230 000-00. It was a specific term of the agreement of sale that the purchase price would be paid as to a deposit of $130 000-00 upon the signing of the agreement and the... More

The first plaintiff’s claim as amended is for the replacement cost of his motor vehicle, being a 1996 model Mitsubishi Canter truck imported from Japan in the amount of USD 7000 and ZAR 58 043,99 for freight and duty charges. More

The plaintiff herein claims the sum of US$150,000 as damages for malicious misconduct allegations brought against him by the defendant in April 2008. The defendant denies any malice or illegality on its part. More

The first and second plaintiffs are husband and wife. The first defendant is a business man whereas the second defendant is a firm of lawyers duly registered in terms of the laws of this country. More

The facts in this case are basically as outlined in my interim judgment of 8 April 2008. The facts are as follows: More