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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The first respondent is the registered owner of an immovable property known as Lot 2 of Lot 20A Waterfalls Induna which is 4195 square metres in extent. On 25 August 2008 the first respondent gave a mandate to the second respondent to dispose of the property on his behalf. The second respondent is a registered estate agent. It seems as if the second respondent already had buyers on its books for a property such as the first respondent had on offer, because on 26 August 2008 an offer was received from the applicant for the purchase of the property. The... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant on 31 November 2009 for the payment of US$37 873-10 arising from the sale and delivery of wheat feed and soya meal during the period extending from 3 July to 15 July 2009. The defendant admitted that payment in the sum claimed was outstanding. It, however, contested the matter on the ground that the plaintiff owed it a sum in excess of the claim by US$29 850-90 arising from overpayments made during the period 2 June to 7 July for the purchase of bulk (loose and not bagged) maize. It counterclaimed for the... More

The applicant was the Attorney-General for the Republic of Zimbabwe up to May 2008 when he was removed from that office.. His removal from office was publicly announced by a notice appearing in the Government Gazette of 16 May 2008. Following this, a letter was dispatched to him by the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet on 23 May 2008, informing him of the termination of his services as Attorney-General. More

The delay in the determination of this matter requires explanation. This application was first heard on 28 September 2009. At that time Advocate Mandizha and Mr Mahlangu represented the applicants and first respondent respectively. The matter was then postponed to 30 September 2009 for continued hearing. However, the matter was only heard again on 21 October 2009 whereupon the applicant’s legal practitioner indicated the intention to apply for leave to file a supplementary affidavit. The respondent clearly indicated its intention to oppose the application. I then postponed the matter sine die in order to allow the applicants to file a... More

On 6 September 2008, at the 283 km peg along the Harare Chirundu road, an ERF vehicle registration number 811-031E driven by the first defendant during the course and scope of his employment with the second defendant collided with the plaintiff’s vehicle, a Freightliner horse registration number AAZ 9473 and trailer registration number ABB 0565. Arising from that collision, the plaintiff issued summons on 18 June 2009 and sought the necessary costs of repairs to its horse in the sum of US$9 751-22, interest thereon and costs. The action is based on the purported negligence of the first defendant. More

On 10 March 2010 the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant praying for the following relief: “(a) Payment of the amount of USD80 421-84 (b) Interest thereon at he rate of 9.07% per annum (c) Costs of suit”. More

Ronald Kanyowa was charged with the crime of murder in contravention of s 47 (1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9;23] herein-after called the Code. He fought and killed his cousin Nigel Mashingaidze. He stabbed him in the stomach and chest with a ceremonial dagger. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and raised the defences, of, provocation and defence of person as provided in sections 239 and 253 of the Code. More