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Court Judgements

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The plaintiff Stephen Pasipanodya in his capacity as the executor to the estate of the late Edna Pasipanodya issued summons against the late Betty Ruwizhi in her capacity as the successor to the estate of the late John Ruwizhi and the Director of Housing Municipality of Chitungwiza on 18 November 2003 claiming cession of rights over stand number 11192 Rusununguko Zengeza 4 Chitungwiza, certificate of occupation of the same, an eviction order against the late Betty Ruwizhi and all those claiming occupation through her and costs of suit. More

The applicant herein is a limited liability company incorporated in the United Kingdom. The three respondents companies are incorporated in Zimbabwe. BP Africa Limited (BP Africa) and Shell Petroleum Company Limited (Shell Petroleum) are corporate entities based in the United Kingdom. They are equal shareholders in both the second and third respondents, while the latter companies are equal shareholders in the first respondent. More

The applicants seek an order declaring the respondent liable for contempt of court. It is proposed that the respondent be committed to prison for a period of thirty days wholly suspended on condition that the respondent and all those claiming through her shall within twenty four hours of this order vacate stand 1089 Tynwald, Harare. More

The present feud has its genesis in matters of employment law. The first and second respondents are the third respondent’s managing director and human resources manager respectively. The Applicant was employed by the third respondent as a manager. In 1995 he was dismissed from employment by the respondents. On 21 December, 1999, the Employment Council for the Banking Undertaking which heard the applicant’s appeal, resolved that an incorrect Code of Conduct had been used and ordered that the applicant “should be reinstated with full pay and benefits from the date of his initial discharge, to the date that the hearing... More

The applicant is incarcerated in remand prison on allegations of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23]. He is alleged to have fraudulently converted to his own use 30 tones of fertilizer valued at US$16 200.00 which he had been contracted to transport. More

The plaintiff issued summons claiming damages arising from a motor vehicle accident which occurred on 18 May 2007. The plaintiff’s claim is founded on allegations that the accident was solely due to the negligence of the 1st defendant in that: (a) he attempted to overtake another vehicle in the face of the plaintiff’s vehicle; (b) he drove at an excessive speed; and (c) that he failed to take evasive action or act reasonably when an accident was imminent . More

On 8 May 2006 the first respondent (“Marko”) being assisted by the third respondent (“Richard”) through a power of attorney, approached this court on an urgent basis. He was seeking spoliatory relief against the applicant (“Tawanda”). The Provisional Order was granted by consent. The matter was not set down for confirmation or discharge. More