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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff sued the first to fifth defendants seeking vacant possession of certain piece of immovable property known as stand number 381 Goodhope Township. The first defendant claims occupation of the disputed property on the basis that he inherited it from his late father Lovemore Zhuwake. More

On Wednesday 2 November 2005 the plaintiff was driving his Mazda 626 motor vehicle when he was involved in an accident at corner Wilson drive and Athlone road with a Nissan Hardbody motor vehicle registration number 696-572 B that was being driven by the defendant’s employee. More

This urgent chamber application was referred to me on 10 May 2010. On the same date after perusing the papers I endorsed on it that the matter was not urgent. On 11 May 2010 the applicant’s legal practitioners wrote to the Registrar seeking an opportunity to argue the urgency of the matter before the judge. Their letter was received by the Registrar on 12 May and brought to my attention on 13 May. I therefore directed that the matter be set down for 17 May at 10.00am. More

The municipality of the City of Harare is the lawful owner of certain piece of immovable property known as House No. 4 Hampshire Road, Eastlea, Harare. Sometime in September 1993 it entered into a written lease agreement with one Soul Kenneth Manyasha the defendant under case number 3174/08 and the plaintiff under case number HC 6675/08. More

All the parties in this case claim to be members of the Anglican Church but belonging to rival factions. They are however engaged in vicious Court battles concerning their legitimacy and entitlement to Church property. More

This is an application for summary judgment. The bulk of the facts in this case are not in dispute. It is common cause that on 27 June 2005 the parties concluded an agreement of lease wherein the applicant company let its property known as Shop No. 3 at Fingaz House measuring 84.75 square metres in extent to the respondent company. More

The applicant is a church organisation styled The Church of God International 1932 represented by its secretary general one Zeburon Pedzisai Nengomasha. On the other hand the respondents are alleged to be board members of a rival breakaway rebel church organisation also operating under the style of Gospel of God International. More