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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The 130 applicants are tenants of the first respondent at its various flats in Harare. Following a legal battle the parties concluded a written deed of settlement on 4 May 2010 in the following terms: More

This is an application for rescission of judgment in which the application was dismissed on the turn. The applicant, a self actor requested for written reasons for the decision dismissing this application on the date of hearing. These are the reasons. More

The applicant is the Commercial Workers Union of Zimbabwe, a union which represents the interests of commercial workers in Zimbabwe. The respondents are members of the union who filed an ex parte application in the magistrate’s court and obtained the following interim order: More

The plaintiffs issued summons out of this court on 2 October 2009 seeking the following relief: “1. That the first defendant is according to the law and prevailing principles of succession of the chieftainship in the Wanyama (Hata) clan hereby declared unfit, illegitimate and unsuitable to preside over theWanyama (Hata) community as chief. 2. Additionally or alternatively the process leading to the second defendant’s submission of the first defendant’s name to third and fourth defendants for appointment be and is hereby declared to be contrary to law and the prevailing principles of succession of the Wanyama (Hata) clan. 3. The... More

The claim in this matter was filed against the first defendant in March 2005. Trial commenced in October 2008 and has spanned over some 18 months. The cumulative delay between the time of the filing of the summons and the handing down of judgment is a record five years. The telling point though is that there is no letter of complaint from the plaintiff over the time it has taken to get this matter finalized. More

In this urgent chamber application the applicant, established in January 2006 to represent and coordinate companies in the cotton industry in Zimbabwe, seeks a provisional order against the first respondent in the following terms: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT 1. The first respondent is hereby interdicted from purchasing any contracted seed cotton from growers contracted to the applicant’s members. 2. The first respondent is interdicted from purchasing or taking delivery of any seed cotton packed in cotton packs bearing the logo or name or acronym of the applicant’s members. 3. The first respondent is ordered to render an account... More

In March 2009, the applicant approached this court on a certificate of urgency and obtained a provisional order calling upon the respondents to show cause why they should not be ordered to release certain items of household goods and effects whose details were listed in an annexure to the application. As interim relief the second respondent was ordered not to sell or dispose of any of the property on the schedule. The second respondent was also restrained from releasing any of the property to anyone other than the applicant. More