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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The first two respondents were issued with offer letters in respect of subdivision 7 and 10 of The Grove in the district of Goromonzi under the Land Reform and Resettlement Programme (Model A2, Phase 11) scheme respectively. More

This is an application wherein the applicant seeks the following relief:- “1. The first and second respondents sign all documents and take all necessary steps (including obtaining the Master’s Consent) to pass transfer in favour of the applicants of the property being a certain piece of Land situate in the District of Salisbury, being Lot 1 of Subdivision A of Lot 18 of Greendale held under Deed of Transfer Number 5266/84. More

The parties in this matter entered into marriage in terms of the then Marriage Act, [Cap 37] (now Cap 5: 11) on 9 July 1988. Some twenty years later, on 3 December, 2008 the defendant instituted this divorce action, citing various reasons which she claims indicate that their marriage has irretrievably broken down. More

The respondent was employed by the applicant as its Finance Manager up to July 2009 when allegations of misconduct were leveled against him. A disciplinary hearing was convened to determine the validity of the allegations and it found him guilty as charged. He appealed to the applicant’s Area Managing Director against the dismissal without success. He then appealed to the Labour Court arguing that his dismissal was racially motivated and in any event, the penalty meted against him was unduly harsh. The appeal to the Labour Court was pending at the time of the hearing of the application. More

The plaintiff and defendant are husband and wife. The parties were married on 2 September 2000. They were blessed with three children, O, F and A, all of whom are still minors. Certain unhappy differences have arisen in the marriage and the plaintiff has instituted this action for divorce. Pre-trial conferences which were held before this trial, resulted in the execution of a joint pre-trial conference minute in which it is recorded that the parties are agreed that their marriage has irretrievably broken down to the extent that there are no prospects of the restoration of a normal marriage relationship... More

The above matters were filed as case numbers HC 3855/09, HC 3846/09 and HC 3891/09. At the hearing of the matter, the parties agreed that the matters be consolidated as all the matters raised the same issues. I consolidated all three matters. The background to the matters is that the applicants bought residential units from the first respondent in a cluster housing scheme being developed by the second respondent on land owned by the first respondent. They also entered into building contracts with the second respondent. More

The plaintiff as represented by its Managing Director Ms Elizabeth Chidavaenzi issued summons out of this court on 9 June 2008 seeking the ejectment of the defendant from stand number 3182 of subdivision A of stand 159 Prospect in Harare (‘the property’). More