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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
PATEL J: This matter arises from a collision that occurred on 20 July 2009 between the plaintiff’s truck and a motor vehicle driven by the 1st defendant’s deceased husband. The plaintiff claims the replacement value of its vehicle, damages for loss of income and goods, together with interest and costs of suit More

On 20 October 2010 my brother UCHENA J granted a provisional order in favour of the applicant couched in this vein:- “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED: Pending the final determination of this matter, the applicant is granted the following interim relief: (a) That the first respondents (sic) and all those claiming through them (sic) and acting under his instructions be and is hereby ordered not to disturb, disrupt or interfere, directly or indirectly, in any way with the applicant’s farming, agricultural and business operations and use of the rehabilitated and renovated borehole on state land adjacent to the applicant’s Plot Number 8... More

On 29 June 2011 in HC 5213/11 I issued a provisional order in favour of Econet Wireless (Pvt) Ltd as the applicant, against Renaissance Financial Holdings Limited as the first respondent and Reggie Francis Saruchera (in his capacity as the Curator of Renaissance Merchant Bank Limited) as the second respondent More

The applicant filed this urgent chamber application seeking a Provisional Order in the following terms as amended. TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT “1. In the event of the respondents failing to discharge all of their obligations towards the applicant, including the payment of all capital amounts due and owing to the applicant together with all interest accrued, by 30th October 2011, the first respondent’s shareholding in Africa First Renaissance Corporation Limited, be transferred to the applicant. 2. The respondents pays costs of this application at an attorney and client scale with the one paying the other to be absolved More

The applicant seeks a Provisional Order in the following terms as amended: “TERMS OF INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT IT IS ORDERED: 1. That the first respondent’s share certificates in Africa First Renaissance Corporation Limited be deposited with the registrar, High Court, Harare pending the final determination of this application. 2. That the first respondent be and is hereby interdicted from transferring, disposing of or encumbering in any other way, their shareholding in Africa First Renaissance Corporation Limited pending the final determination of this application. 3. That the Respondents pay the costs of this application, the one paying the other to be... More

The applicant was married to the late Tom PeterkinMayisva under the Marriage Act, which is now [Cap 37] on 1 January 1970. Tom Mayisvathen passed away on 11 April 2006. The parties had five children. It is not in dispute that Tom Mayisva had a long term adulterous relationship with one LinahPilime and that four children were born out of this relationship. Mayisva had another long term adulterous relationship with Margaret Maramba with whom he had another five children. The applicant has no knowledge of the details pertaining to these children with the exception of two born in 1982 and... More

This is an urgent application filed on 2 February 2011 and the applicants seek the following relief: “Final Order 1. That the first respondent revokes the appointment of Wesley Militala as Provisional Judicial Manager of David Whitehead Textiles Limited for failure to give security for the proper performance of his duties in terms s 302(1)(b)(i) of the Companies Act [Cap 24:03] and appoints in his place a suitable person as the Provisional Judicial Manager of David Whitehead Textiles Limited. 2. That the first and second respondents pay the costs of suit at an attorney – client scale More