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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant was convicted by the Magistrates Court Bindura of one count of rape. He was sentenced to an effective term of imprisonment of 12 and half years. He has appealed against the conviction and sentence. In June 2010 he filed an application for bail pending appeal with this court. It was dismissed. At the time the application was filed he was not represented. He has now filed another application for bail pending appeal on the basis of a change in his circumstances. More

The plaintiff issued out summons against the defendant out of this court on 13 march 2008 claiming delivery of twenty thousand (20 000) litres of diesel. The defendants rigorously defended this claim. On 13 of June 2008 the plaintiff withdrew action against the second defendant. Consequently the action that remained before the court was against the first defendant. More

: This is an opposed application wherein the applicant seeks the following relief: “1. That the respondent be and is hereby ordered to deliver six million (6, 000 000) AICO Africa Ltd shares together with the share certificates within 48 hours of this order. 2. That the respondent shall pay the costs of this application in terms of the Law Society tariff including costs of two Counsels where the two are employed”. More

This matter has trudged a long and tortuous journey. The applicants are former employees of the respondent who were charged with misconduct and dismissed in 2005 following disciplinary processes. The applicants challenged their dismissal right up to the Labour Court in case number LC/H.15/06. The Labour Court found for the applicants on 5 July, 2007 and ordered their reinstatement, alternatively, payment of damages in lieu of reinstatement. The respondent opted to pay damages, caused their quantification on 10 December 2008 equivalent to 5 years salary using the cut off date of 5 July, 2007 and tendered them to the applicants. More

On 14 May 1983 the applicant and the respondent were happily joined in holy matrimony as husband and wife. On 21 April 2004 that union was brought to an end by virtue of a decree of divorce granted by this court at the applicant’s instance. In granting the decree of divorce the court also dealt with other ancillary issues as between the parties such as the custody of the minor children of the marriage, access by the non custodian parent, maintenance requirements for the children and the distribution of both the movable and immovable property that the couple had acquired... More

The applicants are alleged to have shot and killed one white rhino with an FN rifle belonging to accused two. They are said to have dehorned the rhino and accused three and four were later arrested at Sam Levy Village while selling the horns. The two accused persons then led the police to accused five and six who were found in possession of the said rhino horns. The six accused persons appeared before the magistrate at Masvingo charged with contravention of s 4 5 (1) as read with s 128 of the Parks and Wildlife Act, (Control of Hunting of... More

The plaintiff in this case issued summons out of this court seeking the eviction of the defendant, $276 000 000-00 being a claim for unjust enrichment and holding over damages in the sum of $10 000 000-00 per month calculated from 1 April 2006 till date of eviction. The basis of the plaintiff’s claim as set out in his declaration is as follows: He is the executor dative to the estate of the Late Kainos Gadaga (deceased). During his lifetime the deceased purchased an immovable property being stand number 3750 Kuwadzana 3 Harare. This was an undeveloped stand. He then... More