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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This appeal is totally devoid of any merit. The appellant is aggrieved by the decision of the court a quoin granting an interpleader application in favour of the second respondent. The appellant had entered into an agreement with the first respondent in terms which the two were to exchange certain beasts. In order to satisfy his side of the bargain, the first respondent fraudulently passed over to the appellant three beasts, the property of the second respondent. More

This case involves an ownership dispute in relation to Stand No. 4795, No. 1 Milner Road, Braeside, Harare. The issues for determination herein are as follows: (i) Did the plaintiff and/or the 4th defendant donate the property in question to the 2nd and 3rd defendants and, if so, on what terms? (ii) Did the plaintiff and/or the 4th defendant and/or the 2nd and 3rd defendants sell their respective rights in the property to the 1st defendant and did they authorise or notify or ratify the sale/transfer to the 1st defendant? (iii) Were the 2nd and 3rd defendants lawfully entitled to... More

The plaintiff is the owner of Adelina farm in the Featherstone area where he is in the business of raring Brahman cattle since 1999. His claim against the defendant is for the payment of US$9 086 being the balance of the purchase price of 26 steers sold and delivered to the defendant. That claim was eventually reduced to US$8 738 on account of the non delivery of one beast that bolted and escaped during the loading process. More

The applicant seeks an order for the ejectment of the respondent and any other person in occupation through him, from Stand 1741 Unit A, Seke, Chitungwiza (the property) and costs on a higher scale More

This is an appeal against an order of the magistrate dismissing an application by the appellant seeking the eviction of the respondent from House number 8844 Zengeza 3 (also known as 6 Gate Crescent, Zengeza 3, Chitungwiza), which property the appellant had alleged belonged to her late father. The appellant stated in her grounds of appeal that the court a quo had misdirected itself in relying on forged agreements of sale and receipts of payment which had been produced by the respondent and ignored the expert advice of a questioned documentary examiner More

The application before the court is for bail pending appeal. This application fallows the conviction and sentence of the applicant by the Magistrate Court Bindura. The applicant was convicted of rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23].He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of which 4 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on usual conditions of good behaviour. The State opposed the application. More

The plaintiff initially claimed payment of US$350 and US$250 respectively for unpaid rentals and malicious damage to her property. She also sought damages for pain and suffering in the sum of US$2500 for unlawful arrest on a charge of extortion instigated by the defendant. The defendant used to be the plaintiff’s tenant in certain cottages owned by the plaintiff at a property in Greendale, Harare. More