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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an opposed application. The background to this application is the following. The applicant was employed by the first respondent as a General Manager. She left the employ of the first respondent on 30 September 2007. There are still issues yet to be resolved by the labour Court relating to the circumstances under which she left employment. In addition to her employment the applicant avers that there was an agreement between her and the first respondent whereby she was entitled to a percentage share of the profits for each financial year. The applicant alleges that she was not paid... More

The two applicants were convicted on their own pleas of guilty to a charge of stock theft. They connived and with common purpose proceeded to the complainant’s cattle kraal on 15 March 2011 in the dead of night at 2200 hours. Once at the cattle kraal they stole and drove away two oxen with the intention of selling the two beasts. Police acting on information arrested the accused and recovered the two stolen beasts. More

This is an application for summary judgment in the sum of US $160 788.98. On 5 January 2011 the plaintiff issued summons for payment of US$160 788.98. In his declaration the plaintiff avers that he was appointed Curator Bonis of the estate of the late MuchineripiRishoniGonyora by the third defendant herein, the Master of the High Court. In that capacity he rendered professional services on behalf of the estate. On 3 March 2010 at a taxation hearing conducted by the second defendant he was awarded fees for the duties he had carried out. The award of fees was subsequently confirmed... More

This is an urgent chamber application for a provisional order whose interim relief sought is stated as follows: “TERMS OF INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT It is ordered that: 1. The sale of the property known as LOT 5 of LOT 264 Greendale Township, Harare also known as No 1 Sancha Close, Greendale, Harare be and is hereby suspended pending the final determination of this application. 2. The applicant and the first respondent be given until the 14th October 2011 to come to an agreement on the property failing which the applicant shall institute any necessary proceedings within seven days of the... More

The first applicant is the former owner of Wakefield Farm, Chegutu, measuring 688.64 hectares in extent. The second applicant resides on a portion of the farm measuring 353.06 hectares.The first applicant is the holder of the offer letter in respect of sub division 2 of Wakefield, 280 hectares in extent More

The applicant is a police officer. He was charged with acting in a manner likely to bring discredit to the Police Force in contravention of para 35 of the Schedule to the Police Act [Cap 11:10]. A perusal of the record of proceedings shows that he was caught red handed in a police trap after demanding and receiving a bribe. He was searched and found in possession of the bait money. More

The applicant seeks a Provisional Order in the following terms: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The respondents be and are hereby barred from interfering with applicant’s property, Mbizi Milling Company, and operations there other than in terms of a lawful order. 2. That the respondents shall bear the costs of this application on a legal practitioner and client scale jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved. More