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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff and the defendant married each other on 6 December 2003 in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11]. The marriage was blessed with two children now aged about six years and two years respectively. The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 7 May 2009 seeking a decree of divorce; an order awarding him three motor vehicles, a Mazda 323, a Toyota Corolla and a Toyota Dyna and also awarding him immovable property number 22625 Unit G Seke, Chitungwiza and costs of suit. The defendant filed her plea and also counterclaimed seeking a decree of divorce, custody... More

On 10 June 2009 this Court issued the following consent order between the parties: “By consent It is ordered that: (a) The Master of the High Court shall appoint from his list of evaluators, an evaluator to assess the value of the improvements on stand 14221 Zengeza 3 Extension Chitungwiza. (b) The 1st defendant shall pay 50% of the assessed value within such period as the parties may mutually agree failing which such period shall be determined by the Court. (c) The parties shall share equally the costs of the evaluation. (d) Each party shall bear his / her own More

This is a bail application ruling. The applicant faces a charge of car theft.The allegations are that on 12 February 2011, complainant gave the applicant her car keys in order that the applicant could park the vehicle safely. The applicant drove the vehicle away and the vehicle has not been recovered. Complainant immediately made a report to the police and the matter is reported under CR 917/02/11 at Harare Central. The applicant applies for bail pending trial. The State opposes bail on the grounds that:- (a) Applicant is likely to abscond and not stand trial. (b) That he is likely... More

In this application the applicant sought an order declaring as valid an agreement of sale of an immovable property, namely Stand No. 4645- 139th Street, Warren Park D, Harare, he entered into as executor with Richard Kaitano. He also sought that 3rd respondent be ordered to register the said property into the name of the said Richard Kaitano upon all other conditions being fulfilled. More

This is an application for default judgment. The claim is for adultery damages in the sum of US$20 000-00 More

The plaintiff and defendant are husband and wife. They married each other in Harare on 23 August 1997 in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11]. The marriage was blessed with three children, Tatenda (male born on 20 September 1997); Tapiwa (female born on 8 February 2001) and Takudzwa (female born on 10 August 2003). On 31 March 2010 the plaintiff issued summons out of the court seeking a decree of divorce on the basis of irretrievable breakdown, an order for custody of the three minor children, an order of sharing matrimonial property and costs of suit. More

In this matter the plaintiff seeks an order compelling the defendant to change ownership of House Number 987 Kuwadzana, Banket (the stand) from her name into that of the plaintiff failing which the Director of Housing, Chinhoyibe directed to effect such a transfer. The basis of the plaintiff claim is an alleged verbal sale agreement of the stand about 12 years ago. It was the plaintiff’s contention that she bought the stand for one bag of cement, 25 kg of maize seed and 10 x 50 kgs bags of maize after which she proceeded to erect a 3 roomed cottage... More