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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 2 November 2009, the applicant was arrested by the 1st respondent on allegations of contravening section 184(1)(c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations were that he had obstructing the course of justice by attempted to interfere with the Attorney General of Zimbabwe in the discharge of his duties. On 3 November, 2009, the applicant filed an urgent chamber application in case No. HC 5369/09 seeking in the interim, his release from police custody. In the final relief, he sought a declarator that his arrest and detention were unlawful. The application was, on my... More

The appellants were convicted and sentenced on a charge of culpable homicide. They were convicted and sentenced by a regional magistrate sitting at Marondera Regional Magistrate’s Court. They appealed against the severity of the sentence of 8 years imprisonment of which 5 years was suspended on conditions of good behaviour. The facts on which they were charged are as follows. On 30 June 2004, Moses Mubvumbi and John Rego took the deceased from his home to the field where he was first assaulted by the appellants. They suspected him of having broken into and stolen from Sinikiwe’s house. They assaulted... More

In this opposed application the applicants seek an order in the following terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The purported appointments and entry into office as Ministers of: SAVIOUR KASUKUWERE JOSEPH MADE WALTER MUZEMBI FLORA BHUKA SYLVESTER NGUNI HENRY MADZORERA GILES MUTSEKWA and SEKAI HOLLAND are hereby declared to be null and void. ALTERNATIVELY 1. 1st respondent and 2nd respondent be and are hereby directed, within seven days of the date of service of this order upon them, to prevent more than 15 ZANU PF nominees, 13 MDC-T nominees and 3 MDC M nominees from purporting to act and carry... More

On 2 September 2011 I dismissed with costs the provisional order sought by the applicant. I delivered a handwritten judgment in which I set out the reasons for my decision. On 5 September 2011 the applicant wrote a letter to the registrar requesting my written reasons. The letter was only brought to my attention on 18 October 2011 together with the applicant’s reminder of 10 October 2011. I reproduce hereunder the full judgment I delivered on 2 September 2011. More

This is an application for summary judgment. On 18 August 2010 the applicants issued summons against the respondents seeking the following relief:- “(a) Delivery of 70 5000 litres of diesel (b) Payment of the replacement value of 70 5000 litres of diesel at the market rate prevalent on the date of judgment; (c) Costs of suit on the legal practitioners and client scale” More

On 21 January 2010 the plaintiff issued summons out of this court seeking to recover $150 000-00 in damages for alleged malicious prosecution initiated against him by the defendant, his erstwhile employer More

On 17 May 2011 I dismissed an urgent application wherein the applicant sought the following relief:- “FINAL ORDER SOUGHT It is ordered that:- 1. The Arbitration award by Arbitrator Chimhuka issued no 28 April 2011 be and is hereby registered as an order of this Honourable Court. 2. The Writ of execution issued by the Registrar on 23 April 2011 under case No. HC 1926/11 be and is hereby set aside. 3. Messrs Sakala and Company be and are hereby ordered to pay the costs of this application de bonisprepriis on a higher scale alternatively first, second and third respondents... More