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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant’s legal practitioners have noted an appeal against the order granted on 23 February, 2011 dismissing her application. They have requested for the reasons for the dismissal of the application. These are they. The applicant was initially a self-actor. She appeared in person on 2 February 2011 and applied for the postponement of the matter to enable her to secure legal representation. I duly granted her the indulgence which she had sought and postponed the hearing to 23 February 2011. More

At the hearing of the application I dismissed it with costs. The applicant has requested for written reasons for the dismissal. More

The plaintiff operates a real estate business, including the valuation of assets and auctioning. The defendant is a statutory body established under the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority Act [Chapter 18:01]. The plaintiff issued summons in March 2010, claiming from the defendant the sum of US$17,309.86 as valuation fees, together with interest at the rate of 5% per month, 10% collection commission and costs of suit. More

At the commencement of this matter Mr Mpofu moved for the condonation of the late filing of the respondent’s heads of argument. Mr Chidziva was gracious enough to consent to the application which I then granted More

In this action the plaintiff prays for the following relief: 1. The sum of USD 5 753-90. 2. Interest on the said sum at the prescribed rate for the date of service of the summons to date of payment. 3. Costs of suit on attorney and client scale. More

: The plaintiff and defendant were married in terms of customary law in 1976. In the year 1983 their marriage was solemnized in terms of the Marriages Act, Chapter 37 (now 5:11) at Harare. Both parties were born and bred in Zimbabwe and so Zimbabwe is their country of domicile. Their marriage was blessed with six children. Their last born children are twins born on 25 April 1992. On 10 April 2007, the plaintiff instituted proceedings seeking a decree of divorce and other ancillary relief against the defendant. The plaintiff alleged that their marriage had irretrievably broken down to such... More

This urgent chamber application was placed before me on 15 August 2011. After perusing the papers, I endorsed thereon, on the same date: “The papers do not establish how or when the urgency arose. The matter is not urgent”. More