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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking an order of this court, staying the execution of an order granted by HLATSWAYO J on 24 July 2009, in HC 4327/08. More

These two matters were heard at the same time for the purposes of convenience. In the first matter, HC 5403/09, the applicant seeks rescission of an order issued by this court on 28 October 2009 in HC 4101/09. In the second matter, HC 976/10, the applicants seek an order be found to be in contempt of court and for their committal to prison for such contempt. More

This is an application for rescission of two judgments entered against the applicant in case No. HC 6759/2000 and case No HC 6442/00 both granted on 6 February 2002 in favour of the 1st and 2nd respondents respectively. The matters had been consolidated into one by an order of the court granted on 16 January 2001 More

The accused was charged with the murder of the deceased in contravention of s 47 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9; 23]. The state alleged that she set the deceased on fire intending to cause his death. She pleaded not guilty to the charge. The brief facts on which the charge was based are that the accused and the deceased lived together for four years, as husband and wife though they were not married to each other. They separated leading, to the accused, leaving the deceased’s house to go and rent a cabin at... More

The accused person was charged with theft in contravention of s 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. He pleaded guilty, and was convicted on his own plea. He was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment, of which 3 months were suspended on conditions of good behaviour. The record of proceedings was referred for, scrutiny by a Regional Magistrate. The Regional Magistrate raised an issue on the propriety of the accused‘s conviction because the record revealed the following exchange between the accused and the trial magistrate during the canvassing of essential elements. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of contravening section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. He is alleged to have stabbed the deceased with a sharp object under the armpit leading to his death. In his defence outline the accused denied the charge, and explained the circumstances of the deceased’s death as follows. He on 15 February 2009 met Victoria Laura Dhlamini at Fife Avenue Shopping Centre, and arranged a date with her for that afternoon. He picked her up from her parents’ house at No 2 Barrington Close Waterfalls, and went with... More

Laye Fode Kaba (the deceased) was a Guinea National who was residing in Mozambique but would frequent Zimbabwe to illegally deal in diamonds from Chiadzwa area. He was known to both accused and it is clear from the evidence led and accepted by the court that the deceased was very close to the accused persons whom he relied upon as his agents in the lucrative illegal diamond business. More